Break the ice

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Lord Megatron stared at his own reflection in the reddish window with his servos behind his back, standing without any movement. In this early hour, only a dim light gave shape to the mountains before his sight, gifting him with the chance to collect his thoughts after his last encounter with Shadow.

His servo involuntarily lifted up to touch his scarred dermas, still feeling the femme's taste on them. He hated how confused this flavor made him.

It consisted a taint of the Energon that came out of the seeker earlier, mixed with some sweet taste. This was almost identical to the highest grade they only drink on rare occasions, somehow still corrupted by a small hint of light sourness. But maybe the bitter taste only came from his own mind.

He was disgusted by what Shadow made him do. That thing's obsession toward him grew over the years, making him more and more uncomfortable every time he had to talk with her. But Darkwing... she was exactly the opposite. Sweet and kind and loyal, and although sometimes too naive, Megatron enjoyed her company. That's why he felt guilty for misleading her.

Shadow's smaller demands were tolerable and easily manageable most of the time, mostly just taunting him for her own enjoyment. However, deep down he knew one day she will ask for something he can't give her without revealing everything to Darkwing. Without revealing what happened yesterday... Without violating her own choices.

She told him earlier that she doesn't feel that type of attraction towards him. The mech accepted this at that time, but if he can only save her from Shadow's rage in this way, he will do it. Though he knew she would never love him like her third in command, it would still be a better outcome than seeing her lifeless body in a puddle of her own Energon after Shadow sliced up their throats.

"My lord?" The tired, muttering voice earned a smile on the warlord's face as he turned his gaze toward the little flier who lazily rubbed her optics, sitting on the edge of the berth.

"Good morning, my little soldier." He said in a gentle tone. "Did you recharge well?"

Darkwing nodded and glanced at the window to be able to tell what time is it, but the darkness made her confused.

"Why are you up so early?" She asked quietly.

"I had to think. And I already took more rest than I usually do." The warlord turned back to the red glass, seeing the sky getting lighter at the horizon. "Come here, I want you to see something."

Curiously, Darkwing put down her peds to the ground and left the bed to find her place next to her leader, trying to find what caught the mech's attention.

"Lord Megatron?"

The warlord motioned her to wait.

"Be patient for a moment. This planet is mostly disgusting with its fleshy, carbon-based lifeforms, but if something, then this view is worth to be seen. And I want to share this with you."

At the peak of the mountains, the warm light became more and more visible, and within seconds, sunlight appeared as the harbinger of a new day, full of new possibilities. Down on the ground, the massive, endless forest shined up with every shade of green, sparkling with the morning dew on the leaves even through the light red window.

It was an exceptional view.

Megatron glanced down to the femme on his right, while in the corner of his dermas, a small smile hid from the sight of her pure, uncorrupted expression. Darkwing stared out the window with an amazed look, while her wings involuntarily flickered and lifted up, admiring the scenery.

"Beautiful..." She whispered.

"Certainly. When I have time, I always watch the sunrise wherever we go with the Nemesis. Every dawn is different and special, they almost make me forget about the war." The mech turned his whole frame toward the little flier, giving her his full attention. "How do you feel? Any better?"

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