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The worker bots slowly harvested the dark Energon without stopping for a minute. Most of them were already tired, but the influence was worst on the smaller miners. One of them fell to the ground from exhaustion, and draw attention on himself with this.

"Hey, you! Back on your peds, we are not done!" A seeker soldier shouted at him and kicked his side.

The miner tried to get up, but he fell back immediately. 

"This one doesn't want to work." 

"He just needs a little motivation." Another soldier stepped to them, changed his servo into a canon, and pointed at the miner. "Get up."

"Everybody calm down." The worker heard a voice from behind, while a shadow crawled above him.

A servo grabbed him, helped him up, and kept him straight. The mechs looked up to his savior, only to find the purple femme beside him.

"Are you alright?" Darkwing asked him.

The miner nodded with disbelief. 

"Yes... thank you Darkwing."

Why is she here? - he thought.

"Commander Darkwing, what are you doing down there?" one of the vehicons asked.

"Commander?" the miner's surprise grew from the new information.

Without answering him, the femme stared at the two soldiers with a darkened face.

"I came to oversee the work with my own optics. It is not nice to hurt the workers, you two. I don't care if you are seekers, you can't treat your Decepticon comrades like that. Go, take a break." She glanced at the miner, then looked around. "Does anybody else want to rest?"

Some servo got lifted up as yes. Darkwing scanned the state each of them with a short peek. 

"Noted. Ten minutes for you. Everybody else, continue the work. You will work in shifts.

"Are you sure, commander?"

Darkwing moved faster than he could react and put one of her sharp digits under the seeker's chin.

"Are you questioning my order?" She asked enough loudly to let everybody hear her words.

"N-no, I would never..." the con lifted his servos up as a defense.

The femme stepped back calmly, with sadness in her optics.

"You have the right to doubt me, but I think I never gave you a reason. I will never be like Starscream to kill you because we have different opinions, so you can tell if something disturbs you. "

"I apologize, Commander." the seeker bowed before her. "I never wanted to question you, i-it was only the impact of the dark Energon."

"He is right, the dark matter made us all stressed." An other soldier stated quietly.

Darkwing's wings twitched, while she crossed her servos behind her back.

"I understand. Does anybody else has a problem with my authority?" she looked around one more time.

The cons stayed silent, but not from fear, more out of respect. She always gave them a chance to express their opinion, like nobody else before. She treated them as individuals, not just simple worker bots.

"Then please get back to your work."

Darkwing felt a weird sense come across on her processor while she turned to the still erupting volcano way. It was the same feeling as when she shoved the dark Energon in her Spark, and now she knew what it was. It was a calling.

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