The guilt of the medic

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Of course, she messed up again.

Well, basically it wasn't her fault. The bomb went off too fast in the middle of that meeting before the femme had time to escape from the scene. It was only mere luck that she stood under an arch at the moment of the explosion, which held it long enough for her to not get squashed by the tons and tons of weight of the building.

She will have to scold that crazy bomb creator when she gets back to the campsite she was stationed in, but right now, her biggest problem was the Autobot medic before her, who tried to nudge her into awakening.

"Hey." The white and orange colored mech shook her shoulders again, not hard enough to make her injuries worse. "Hey, get up femme!"

She rubbed her helm, trying to sit up on the medberth, only to get pushed back onto it.

"What? Where in the pits am I?" She asked him, but the environment already told her everything.

White walls, beeping machines, the air stiff with the smell of the disinfectants... it was a medic camp. And from the insignia on the medic's chassis, she knew exactly that the wrong team had found her.

"How do you feel? Any disorientation?" He barked at her while looking up her medical chart on the side of the berth, then continued without waiting for her answer. "It looks like you drifted in and out of consciousness for a few hours since they discovered you. Some Decepticon planted a bomb in the building you were in, and the whole place blew up. You are in one of the Autobot's medic camps right now, they brought you here since you didn't have any insignia on, so they presumed you are a neutral." When he finished the explanation, the mech glanced up from the chart to the femme. "Were they right?"

She thought for a second before nodded without any noise.

'It isn't a lie until you don't say a word.' Her sister whispered quietly in their mind, watching the medic through her eyes carefully.

Not getting the Decepticon mark was her idea too. In their lonely tasks it wasn't safe to show it, no matter how badly she wanted to.

"Good." The medic continued. "Do you have a designation?"

Now the femme shook her helm in response.

"A nameless? Primus, my day just gets better and better."

This comment somehow made her Energon boil, and in the next second, she jumped up from the berth.

"If taking care of an injured is boring to you dear doctor, you should leave." She hissed at the medic. "Or better, I will leave."

"Good, one problem less." He responded in a bitter tone.

Holding her hurting side and limping past the mech, the femme walked toward the exit, hoping that she can leave this damned place before they find out that she was their enemy. And not just any enemy, but one of the most hated Decepticons, the Shadow of Kaon.

"Hey, what's wrong with your back?" She heard the question from the medic before a few rushing steps later she was grabbed by her damaged, small wings.

"Don't touch them!" The femme pushed away the bigger mech's servo and looked at the disturbed bot with anger, holding herself back from slicing him up at the last moment. "They are sensitive!"

"I thought you were a two-wheeler, but your wings... Are you a glitch? Were you born like this? How old are you?" He bombarded her with questions while trying to touch her appendages again.

"Why do you care?" She hissed, but her sister told her to calm down before they got caught by security or something else. And also, she was interested. Maybe too interested for her usual self.

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