Darkwing and Shadow

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Cybertron, the night of THEIR forging

In the dark room, only the sometimes overflying jets' made any light outside the Council's building. The femme watched the city below from the window with interest, but after some time her vision changed, and she only saw her own blurry reflection on the transparent surface. She stared curiously at her own dark red optics, her armor, and her weird, short wings.

The femme raised her servo over her shoulder to touch the tip of her small wings. Even she recognized that she didn't look like as the bots who pierced the skies, or the shorter two-wheelers with their smaller appendages on their back. Hers were twisted, fractured ones, with a dark black color, almost invisible in this low light.

'Am I... really a flier?' she thought.

Suddenly, she heard a voice, that was quite similar to hers.

'Do you think that's the most important question now?'

The femme turned away from the window and looked around in the dark, but there was nobody in the room except her.

"W-what? Who speaking? Where are you?" She asked loudly.

'Tsss, quiet!' The voice silenced her in a hurrying tone. 'I think you don't want to get the guard's attention, dear. Please calm down.'

The voice was kind, almost begging, so the femme decided to listen to it, at least until she'll figure out everything.

"O-okay... but who are you?'

'I don't know.' Her servos started to tremble and clenched without her will 'But I think something went wrong in the Well. Something very very wrong.'

She finally understood that the voice came from her own processor. The foreign consciousness squirmed around in the back like some type of animal.

"We have to ask somebody, my Master can he-"

Rage took over her processor for a second, which was not hers.

'No!' The voice shouted with despair. 'Don't tell a word about me to that mech, or anyone else!'

The femme got scared from the outburst.

"B-but..." she stuttered quietly.

The voice stayed silent for some time, then continued in a lot calmer tone.

'I'm sorry, but what do you think, what he would do if he learns that not just your body came out wrong, but your processor too? I tell you. He would think we are an abomination. A glitch. He would give us up, maybe put us in a lab to let the scientists test on us.'

The femme turned back to her reflection in the window with disturbed thoughts.

"Then... What should we do?" She asked.

The thing in her processor slowly approached the front of her consciousness and took over the control of the body just to show herself for a second by putting her digits on their reflection, like they could touch each other this way. After this, the thing almost immediately backed away.

'We will wait and stay quiet. Avoid every possible contact with the other bots, we don't know if there are more like us.'

"I... I don't know. Our Master..." She said hesitantly.

She didn't want to lie to him.

'Your Master. But don't worry, I will protect you, dear. We can't trust anyone else than each other.'


It was the other one's turn to hesitate.

'I... I will tell you later. But you have to believe me, I am the only one you can trust.'

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