Shards in the Spark

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Megatron observed the life signals of the femme on the monitors. Her steady figure laid on the medberth without any movement, under the stasis like recharge.

The red medic ran down on her dozens of tests at the same time, monitored her life signals, and scanned her whole body under minutes.

The warlord watched him with growing tension.

"So, doctor... What is your medical opinion?" he asked.

Knockout turned to Megatron with nervous optics.

"Well, her body is healthy, her processor working is weird, like always, but there is this thing..." The medic pointed to one of the screens. "Something is in her Spark. It avoided my sight in the last examination, but now her scans show the reason for its abnormality."

The monitor showed a couple microscopic objects all around her Spark.

"What are these?" the warlord asked.

"Dark Energon shards, my lord."

A surprised expression came across Megatron's face.

"How is this possible?"

"Maybe the dark Energon experiments that Shockwave did on her?"

"This is the reason for her weakness?"

"No, but maybe the only reason why she is alive. It's not enough to make her strong like you, my lord, but it can explain how she survived the Starscream incident. The shards keep her from offlining, but after all this time, they can lose their power."

"What can you do against it, doctor?"

"Nothing. Only a new shard can restore her fully."

The warlord stepped to his loyal little soldier.

Darkwing was one of his first followers. Her fighting skills were remarkable, and she adored him before he started the fight against the caste system. Even after the endless solar cycles, she still blindly followed his every order. In the optics of Megatron, she was an almost perfect warrior. Her only flaws were her stubbornness and her attachment to Soundwave.

Luckily she never realized how strong they could be together with the Third in command. With their background, Megatron knew that they could take over the leadership from him if they want to.

Only their faith in him kept them from it. Megatron only had to keep up that faith with every possible

"We will get her one soonly." The warlord stated with confidence. "When the prophecy will be true, and the darkness will absorb this planet, Darkwing will get her well-deserved share from the dark Energon. And the world will bow before us..."

"What we should do with her until that happens?"

After a short thinking, Megatron switched on his com-link.

"Soundwave, I need you in the med-bay."

The silent mech arrived within minutes. His frame froze when he saw his partner on the medberth, but soonly stepped next to her, with a questioning turn to Knockout.

"Darkwing's health is in a critical state, Soundwave. Did you notice something unusual about her in the last days?"

Soundwave looked down to Darkwing,

"TCCK... can't see Darkwing... order... work to do..."

"You don't even see her in the last days?" Megatron asked.

"That explains why her state went unnoticed for so long." Knockout stated. "If she fainted even before our lord, she really pushed her boundaries all this time."

The three mechs looked at the little femme at the same time.

"I will run down some more tests on her, then we can put her back online."

"Keep her on your side Soundwave, until we solve her case. And monitor her state."

The warlord walked to the door, but before he could leave, the medic put up a question.

"My liege, if I can ask... Why do you take care of her this much?"

"Darkwing got her title with reasons, Knockout. The Shadow of Kaon..." He laughed. " It's weird how the Autobots described the only thing that they never saw so perfectly. A noiseless, figureless shadow in the night, what killed hundreds of them without being seen... that is our little Darkwing. One of my best soldiers."

Megatron left the medbay, and just silence stayed in his place.

Soundwave touched the senseless femme's helm, without caring about the medic's presence.

Darkwing exposed their relationship to the spiderbot, so their secret wasn't a secret anymore. He didn't even care.

"You actually became mates, huh?" Knockout broke the silence while turned away from the monitors. " Try to take better care of her, or maybe I will steal her from you.

Soundwave turned to the medic, and pointed to Darkwing.

"TCCK... mine"

Knockout protectively lifted his servos.

"Calm down, Soundwave. I'm just joking."

The mech's helm almost unseenly twitched. He never loved the jokes of the medic.

"But at least I saw what the strong Soundwave can do..." Knockout winked and looked at the little marks on the femme stabilizers. "You did this to her, don't you?"

Soundwave stroked down his digits on the little marks. He told her to remove them as fast as she could, but the answer was just a blushing smile. He still didn't understand her reasons.

"Darkwing is a weird femme... but in my opinion, she is very lovely. If you hurt her..."

"TCCK... accident... too strong... I would never hurt..."

The medic looked at him with narrowed optics.

"I don't care. If I will see her only one time crying because of you... You will need more than a face protection." Knockout pushed some button, to terminate the stasis state. "I leave you two alone now."

Sundwave looked after the medic who went into the sideroom, while he interwined his digits with Darkwing's.

He was right. He had to control his power, if he don't want to hurt his mate anymore.

"Soundwave? Why are you here, dear?" Darkwing muttered in a weak voice.

He looked down to her, then without any unnecessary word, he took of his visor to kiss the half-awake Darkwing.

He can't let his powers to run wild.

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