If you love me... Part 1.

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As the luckily empty cube shattered on the wall, the until now only whispered words of the femme turned into shouting.

"How could you make me do this?!" Darkwing yelled at the empty space before her, every part of her body trembling from anger as she tightened her grasp on the edge of the berth. "How could you ask this from me?"

She didn't care anymore about the medic who sat next to her as she listened to her sister's voice in her mind.

'Lower your voice, dear. I did what was best for both of us.'  Shadow responded calmly, like nothing would have happened.

This calmness only angered Darkwing even more.

"Stop making me quiet all the time, Shadow!" She hissed and jumped up from her place, starting to walk back and forth in the small room anxiously. "You crossed the line with this!"

The calmness of the other was gone in a second as she sent a painful stab into Darkwing's helm through their bond, enraged by her response.

'I said lower your voice!' Shadow growled at her in her inner voice, but even this, or the pain couldn't stop the femme's outburst.

"I will not!" Darkwing stopped and stomped her ped on the floor to stand her ground against her sister. "Why do you have to always ruin everything?"

This time, Shadow took over the control of their body, and turned around, like she would be able to face the other like this.

"Ruining? Do you really think I ruined anything?" She asked in an angered tone, her wings lifting from the growing tension. "You had your chance to choose, and you chose a bad mech to love. Megatron is strong, loyal, and wise, mating with him would make us stronger too!"

Her expression changed within a moment as Darkwing took back control.

"You can't force us together like a pair of animals! I am not your puppet, and neither is he!"

"Uhm... Can I say something too?" The medic's faint noise broke the tense moment between the twins, and then as the dark red optics slowly turned into his way, a cold shiver ran down his backplates.

"Nobody asked you." From the cold tone, it was obvious to him that the one who was controlling their body at this moment was Shadow.

Knockout gulped anxiously and looked down to clean off a non-existent spot from his chassis just to evade her sight.

It was strange for him to talk to this feral femme with Darkwing's face on her, especially with the things he learned about them while the twins were in the Autobots' hands and some of the documents Megatron shared with him that were made by Shockwave a long time ago.

But that was not important in this moment.

"But I think you are right this time." He muttered quietly, looking up for a half second, then back down as his gaze met with the red lenses.

From the femme, only an almost unhearable rustling sound reached him before a sharp digit suddenly lifted up his helm.

"Then you can talk." Shadow didn't blink as he observed the medic's face closely, her thoughts staying completely hidden from him as she stood in front of him, their helms only inches apart from each other. "Explain to my dear thick-helmed sister the obvious facts that she cannot comprehend with that itty-bitty tiny part of our processor that she occupies."

The femme finally blinked and let go of Knockout's face, her movements indicating that Darkwing was the one standing before him again.

"So... Darkwing..." The mech started slowly. "What did Shadow do actually?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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