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The Autobots were not opponents to the giant stone creature. Their attacks did not even scratch its hard shell, and definitely not slowed it. Unicron didn't stop, for a second. 

The giant hit the Prime, who fell unconsciously to the ground.

"Optimus!" The Autobots shouted at the same time.

Their face reflected shock when a grey figure pushed Optimus out from under the ped of Unicron and rolled with him over. The figure immediately jumped and gazed up to the Chaos Bringer.

"Megatron?" Optimus's optics widened from the surprise when he recognized the other.

"Is there someone else that you hoped for, Optimus?"

The giant above them screamed with anger and lifted his servo to crush them totally when an other, smaller flash crashed into the stone creature's chassis, pushing it back from the warlord and the Prime, and breaking it into pieces. Megatron calmly watched it happen, only a small grin on his dermas showed how he felt.

"What the frag was that?" The green Autobot shouted.

"Only my dear first lieutenant got the work done."

Under from the thick dirt cloud, Darkwing stood up silently on the remains of the collapsed body. The Autobots immediately aimed at her.


"What is Megatron's psychopathic pet doing here with him?"

"There was a little change in our current situation..." Darkwing jumped down from the rockpile to the ground, close to them. "So we are here to recommend a potential solution."

Megatron helped up Optimus, while his followers aimed at the warlord. Darkwing stood between them with a protective stand, wings spread to the side to cover more of her leader.

"Stop, Autobots! We are not here to fight." When they lowered their canons, she continued with awareness in her voice. "Lord Megatron recommends a temporary truce, to use our combined powers against Unicron."

"Are you kidding?" The Autobot femme asked with doubt in her voice.

The femme shook her helm.

"My lord is serious. We saw the Chaos Bringer, we felt his power. Our war is not the most important event today. We have to work together against him, or everything and everybody will perish."

"And why would you do that?"

The two leaders looked at each other.

"Because Megatron's pride would never allow anyone other than himself to rule this planet... but what about you, Darkwing?" The red and blue mech pointed at her. "The dark Energon saved your life, why would you dare to oppose Unicron?"

The femme glanced up to the sky before she answered. She still felt the little pressure in her head from the power of the god, who still tried to whisper in her processor, but for a minute while she watched the clouds above them, everything went quiet.

In the next moment, her words were clearly heard by everyone.

"Unicron doesn't care about our war, freedom, or even us. I know this very well. He simply wants to destroy the world, and that goes against everything I believe in." The femme shook her helm. "This is no place for gods."

"But why should we join forces with you?"

This time Megatron answered.

"Unfortunately, the task requires a Prime."

"Then I guess we don't need you." Bulkhead laughed at them.

"Don't be so fast, Autobot." Darkwing scolded the green mech. "We are the only ones who can guide the Prime to Unicron."

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