Stuck in the past/ Part 2

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Soundwave stood at the center of the arena, next to the corpse of his opponent. The crowd shouted and chanted his name, but in a faraway part of the theatre, a femme stayed deadly silent.

She watched the mech's frame, which was full of the killed bot's spilled Energon, and his weird visor, what is covered his originally gentle face. She didn't understand him.

She didn't understand, why her one and only Master killed other bots as a gladiator. She didn't understand, how the Head Council member can leave his life from one day to another. And she didn't understand, why he left her.

The dark mech visibly looked around, then left the ring. Soon after, a weird, scattery voice started to spread across the arena.

"Dear mechs and femmes, that was for today! Come back tomorrow, and remember to bet on your favorites!"

The crowd slowly started to scatter with murmurs, and the femme left too. She had to talk with that mech.

She circled the fighters' quarter and watched some of the mechs come and go from time to time, but she just looked at them with interest.

One or two mechs acknowledged her, but without a second thought, they left her alone. The fans did this sometimes, but they never went further. Who would ever try to get into the room of famously killer mechs?

Well, she would. And she did it too.

The femme approached the entrance and the small mech that guarded it. The mech's frame was dark green, like the toxen, his optics shined with blueish light.

"W-What do you want?" the mech asked her sheepishly.

The femme red optics wandered around his frame, and next she captured the mech's Spark with the biggest, kindest smile.

"Hi!" she talked with a soft voice, and the bot's armor started to feel tight on him immediately. "I search for somebody. Can I ask your help, please?"

Surprised by the femme's response to him, he froze in his place, but after that, the small mech smiled at her. He never got that friendly face before.

"Of course, sweetspark. Who are you looking for?"

"The mech who had the last fight. You know... " she started to stutter, and blue color spread across her faceplates. " I... I'm a big fan of him, and I would like to talk with him. If you would let me in, I would appreciate that."

"He needs to rest after that fight, I'm sorry darling."

"That's why I asked, you know how he is. He is always on the move, and..."

"He never stays on his place?" The mech interrupted her, but they started to laugh at the same time.

"Of course. So...?" the femme put her grey servos on his frame, and made him speechless" I don't have time to chase him around. Please...?"

The mech sighed.

"Okay, but... Don't stay for too long, my boss will take off my head if he learns this. His room is the tenth in the left corridor."

"Thank you!" The femme joyously put her hands down and left the guard outside.

The mech looked after her, scratched his helm, and the Energon blush mark slowly left his face.

The femme's face got back to its original state when she got inside. She would never think that the mech will be that easily fooled by her. Not everything was acting, she was really thankful to him.

At the left corridor of the berthrooms, nobody stopped her. Some big, fighter mechs and a few fliers looked after her, but she didn't care.

Eighth, ninth, and she stopped before the tenth door.

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