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Hey, you! Yes you, who is reading this chapter now! If you liked this story until now, look up my other TFP fanfiction, the "I will find you" on my site. It's built around Starscream and his long lost bodyguard femme. And yes, the bots in this have the parts for a good NSFW chapter. And just like my favorite medic would say... "This is going to be JUICY."

Darkwing stepped out from the portal after her leader and immediately looked around to be sure that everything is safe. They stood on a giant bridge in an enormous-sized chamber. The whole place was at least ten times bigger than the Nemesis and the outrageous space around them made her feel sympathy toward the humans. The beatings of Unicron's Spark were clearly hearable around them, and with each one, the bio lights on the bridges and the walls glowed up every time with a fascinating dark purple light.

"So... how long before Unicron knows that we are here?"

"Make no mistake. He already knows."

Darkwing closed her optics to concentrate her attention on the little line that connected her to the dark god in her processor, while she still walked forward at the same pace.

"He is... trying to figure out what are we planning." She looked down from the edge of the bridge to the void below them and giggled. "Just to think that the Chaos Bringer can be this easy to fool..."

Arcee rolled her optics, then fastened her steps to reach the Prime's side.

"Optimus, I understand why Megatron is necessary... But why Darkwing?" she asked in a low tone.

"What do you mean, Arcee?"

"Darkwing is even worst than Airachnid, she can kill all of us if she is having a bad day! Just remember what she did to the Autobot medic camp! Ratchet have a good reason to be mad at her!"

The Prime glanced at the smaller Decepticon who walked before them and curiously observed their environment. If he doesn't know it firsthand, he would never guess that this femme was responsible for the attack against Iacon, the worker rebellion in Tarn, or the deaths of so many of them.

"If we only know one thing about Darkwing is that she worships Megatron on an insane level. Even before the war started, she always was in his shadow and followed him everywhere like a pet. Until he doesn't give her orders to attack us, she will stay calm."

"But she is..."

Darkwing can't hear any more words from them, because her leader slowed his steps to walk next to her.

"Do they disturb you?" Megatron asked her with a small smile.

The femme sighed and looked down at her peds.

"They really think of me like some type of pet under your control, my lord... It's not the nicest thing to hear about myself."

"Don't worry about them." The mech patted her helm gently. "You are my soldier, not my pet."

"I want to show them how much they underestimate me."

"You will get the chance, my dearest warrior." A weird expression showed up on Megatron's face. "And I feel it will happen very soon."

A familiar feeling came across in the femme's processor, making her more aware than before, as a warning sign to the incoming events.

Soon after, dozens of buzzing sounds filled the air, making a slight vibration on the bridge.

"What's happening?"

"We have visitors." The two Decepticon said at the same time.

The buzzing got stronger and stronger with each second before a small army of flying guards showed up from a side entrance on the wall.

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