Warm metal

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Darkwing laid in the grass field on her back. Her wings spread around her, and she just watched the endless blue and lilac sky over her. Not even a cloud disturbed the sight to her.

The femme reached out to the space, amazed by the last sunlight's reflection on her servo's armor.

She needed this rest for so long. All of her parts finally relaxed from the continuous pressure that came across her in the last weeks, and she finally had time to think about her relationship with the other Decepticons.

Soundwave still felt to her like a good example. She looked up at the mech, but at the same time, she tried to keep her distance. He hurt her one time, and that made her anxious around him, but something still pulled close to him. After their meeting in the Pits, she always tried to not tell him the "Master" word. Even to their leader, she never said that. She feared that Megatron would accuse her of treachery if she accidentally looked at Soundwave while saying that. And being alone would be the most terrifying thing to her.

Her Lord... Well, he was a different thing. She always thought that everybody underestimated him. Megatron's true power would break this planet in half, she really believed in it. His fighting skills and his leadership always frightened her, in a good way.

For the next two, her feelings were simpler.

Breakdown and Knockout were a good pair. The brutal strength in one and twisted intelligence in the other. She trained her body with the blue and sharpened her mind with the cherry red mech. Knockout put a small discomfort in her Spark long ago when he was her doctor on the battlefields. Back then she still was just a biped, and he constantly taunted her because of this.

Darkwing's making was... a weird case. When all that happened, a weird earthquake came across the whole Cyberton, and with some of her mates, she came out deformed. The femme was born without a T-cog and with an underdeveloped pair of wings. Most of her parts were normal, but she never could use cannons or change form in that state.

The fights were hard on her. Her armor was broken in more places, and her servos hurt from the heavier weapons. And even with her agility, she needed the flyer's speed in the war.

Then, the explosion happened. On a mission, one of her teammates stepped on a mine, and everything went dark for her at that minute.

She woke up on a medberth, with blurry vision. The scientist and the medic looked down at her, but she didn't hear what they said. The one-eyed mech shook her shoulder, to make her more awake.

"You're dying, femme. But I can save you, with one condition."

"W-what is it?" Darkwing coughed up Energon.

"You will be one of my test subjects."

Without a second thought, the femme nodded.

"Logical decision."

In the next moment, she became unconscious again.


Darkwing sat up in the grass field, wheezing. She didn't remember when she drifted into recharge, but around her everything was dark.

"Frag..." she sighed.

The femme stood up and cleaned down her armor from the grass.

Her wings were sore, they were still damaged after all. She opened her com link.

"Soundwave, would you please send a ground bridge for me?"

She didn't get an answer, but in seconds, a portal opened near her. The blue and green whirl lighted up the field. Darkwing walked over to the portal, and on the other side of it, she met with the silent mech's visor. Darkwing saw that his every part was in tense. The femme surprisedly asked him.

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