Mental Breakdown 2.

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"... aaaand we are done, good as new!" Knockout rubbed over gently the repaired injury on the ped of a vehicon. "Take some rest, try to avoid harder work, and your stabilizer will be like before in no time."

The medic stepped away, letting the bot move his ped around, then stand up from the medberth to test the durability. As it was expected, the seal kept it perfectly together, thanks to Knockout's professionalism.

"Thank you, Doctor." The bot said gratefully.

"Now go, I have work to do." Knockout smiled proudly, then shooed the bot away with a hand motion. "And don't forget, if you see a mining drill coming in your way again, go somewhere else."

It was one of the most stupid reasons for an injury he heard of until now.

When the worker left the medbay, the cherry red medic started to put away the tools he used for the repair, meanwhile searching for his lost buffer fumingly as he circled around in the room.

"Breakdown, if you took away my buffer again..." He huffed quietly, looking under the tables and in the small gaps in the process.

"Gotcha!" The medic shouted victoriously as he finally saw the precious tool in a corner, and hugged it to himself, almost like cooing to it. "Oh my sweet, sweet little buffer, did Breakdown hide you again? I will get revenge when he will get back, don't worry..."

"Knockout!" He heard a low tone behind his back, and as he turned toward it, he dropped the buffer on the table instantly.

The giant blue seeker charged into the medbay like he would be chased by somebody... or more of something.

"What is it, Dreadwing?" Knockout asked with a questioning look on his face. "Shouldn't you be with Breakdown, doing that 'secret job' you talked about?"

But Dreadwing didn't prefer his joking.

"It is no time for your jokes." The bigger mech said seriously. "Come and bring your medic kit, something is wrong with Dark."

The medic's expression got almost as serious as Dreadwing's.

"I'm coming." he nodded, quickly packing up a medic box and thinking about what else he should bring.

When he was done, Dreadwing grabbed his arm impatiently and started to pull him after himself in a fast pace.

"Hey! At least you care to tell me what happened?" Knockout asked confusedly, trying to keep up with the seeker. "What's wrong with her, what are her symptoms?"

"I don't know, she is acting weird. There was... an incident. And when she came back, she told Lord Megatron something and he sent me for you right away."

"That's why he is calling me?"

The medic's tone was almost frustrated, but when Dreadwing glanced back at him, a weird, unknown fear took away his courage.

"You will understand when you see her. Dark is not herself. That thing..." Dreadwing slowly shook his helm. "I never saw her acting like that."

He dictated an even faster pace, not stopping even for a second before they reached the main deck's corridor, although they couldn't get closer to the entrance because of the crowd in front of it.

The hallway was full of dozens of vehicons who talked in a murmuring voice confusedly, trying to guess what was happening inside that room. The buzzing from them was worse than in an instecticon hive as Dreadwing approached the door through the sea of bots, still managing to pull the medic after himself. While they got closer and closer, the talking got quieter around them as the others started to stare at them.

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