Return of the rightful leader

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The medbay's side room was full of low-ranked vehicons and with a very frustrated cherry med. Darkwing sat on the edge of the little medberth and chatted with the seven bots happily. She smiled, and her gestures didn't show any weirdness about her, just her wings were almost stuck to her back fully.

"Really guys, I'm okay!"

"He shouldn't get that far with you, sweet spark."

"And what would you do if he wanted to kill you?"

"Well... that would be a problem. But it not happened. Knockout said two or three days and I can get back to work. Until that, please don't do anything stupid, okay?" Darkwing looked at each vehicon and they nodded. "Thank you."

"The visiting hours are ended." The medic said in an angry tone. "Everybody out, now. Or should I call Breakdown?"

The bots waved to the femme one more time, and they left.

"I still don't know why they are like this with you."

"I talked with them every day when nothing happened on the Nemesis. They are much more than workers, Knockout."

The medic tapped on his datapad slowly.

"Like lab rats?"

"You know what I mean. Each one of them is a different personality. Do you know that 5T3V3 is like human music? And B0B love those little animals... what is it? Oh, cats!"

"Why would they show any interest in the Earthy things?"

"I don't know. Why do you watch human porn?" Darkwing started to giggle.

The mech blushed, then threw his datapad in the femme's way.

"That was just for science! And I told you to never bring it up!"

Darkwing started to laugh.

"But you showed that to me!" she tried to imitate the mech's voice "Can you see this? Why they do such things to each other?"

"Pipe down!" The mech stepped to Darkwing to shut her up by himself, but then he stopped and glanced behind her with worry. "Your wings... how are they?"

"They are..." Darkwing didn't want to lie to him. "They are okay. Not hurt that much like before, but I still feel like Starscream's claws are in my back."

"Show them."

Darkwing changed position on the medberth and sat on its center with her back to Knockout. Slowly, she lifted her wing plates, while her digits scratched the berth in pain.

Her upper pair of wings were torn down, just their base parts stayed on her back. The two lower pairs got out with smaller cuts and bruises, but mostly stayed in their places thanks to the medic.

Knockout touched her wings with ease and sighed quietly. He stroked his digits onto the two little wing part, and Darkwing had to hold back a squeak. The pain was terrible in the femme's traumatized back. To keep her mind busy, she asked the mech.

"So... What happened to the Autobots who got up to the ship?"

"Not so much. We talked in the other room with Starscream about Megatron's state, and then Soundwave saw a wire. I didn't know what they did to him, but his mind is now useless." Knockout touched the middle pair of wings then and put his servo on a bigger cut. "Do you feel this?"

"Y-Yes... please be gentle there." The femme twitched. "And Soundwave?"

"Oh, you should saw that when he learned what happened to you. He went total berserk. Of course, just inside. But I saw him almost trembling." The mech pressed her wings from the side. "Well, it's not odd after what was between you two."

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