A calm day

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The computer's data changed before Darkwing optics, while she tapped on the buttons in a slow pace. After the medic finally let her out of the medbay, she felt useless most of the time. The vehicons didn't let her do any more challenging work, Breakdown didn't want to train with her, and she couldn't even go out with the others to find new Energon mines.

All because they thought she was fragile.

But Darkwing never was fragile. Her armor was light weighted but thick, and her claws were shiny, only because she always kept them sharp, ready to kill for the cause. In the war, she fought in the first rows of the battlefield and she was the last one who left it alive.

She wanted to show that she is not a little helpless femme like they thought about her. So she killed. She killed so many Autobot that she even forgot their numbers.

But now, without the battlefield, she was like before the war, and before the Pits. Almost like a simple worker again.

Darkwing saw her reflection in the computer's screen. Her eyes were dark, without any glow in them. She was empty for a short moment, but then, she heard a little knock on the side of her computer. Without looking at the way, she started to type again in a fast pace.

"Nothing. I just... I feel so useless. You can easily control everything alone, Soundwave. Then why am I needed here? Do you feel pity towards me?"

Darkwing felt a light stroke on her left shoulder, but when she didn't react, the mech pulled back his tendril in his armor.

After some quiet minutes, the femme stopped again.

"I dreamed about you when I was in stasis."

The mech turned in her way from the other side of the room and tilted his head to the side. Darkwing sighed and glanced at him.

"More about our time back in Kaon. And the Pits. I just wanted you to know if I'm a little bit weird toward you, it's because of that."

Soundwave nodded, and they returned to their work.

Darkwing looked over the vehicon soldiers' pages on the computer. She changed some of their data into dead state, then with a click, she upgraded Skyquake's too. The femme finally was done with her work and walked over to the mech's side.

Soundwave's digits were fast on the keyboard, and Darkwing just watched him in work. Without stopping, he turned his visor toward her and a question mark showed up on it.
Darkwing thought about all of her dead brothers and sisters, who died in the war. And then, a question slipped from between her dermas.

"Would you... change anything from your past if you have the chance?"

The mech shook his head now, then pointed at her.

"Me? I don't think so. I have everything that I ever wanted. I'm the soldier of our Lord, and I can even stay by your side." Darkwing looked down at her peds. "Only... maybe the death of them."

Soundwave then played down one of Megatron's old speeches.

"TCCK... Live free, or die in giving others a chance for a better future!"

"Good one. But..." The femme stepped closer to him. "MY favorite is... Our life is the price for our right to live free." Darkwing smiled at the mech. "He is still as stunning as the Gladiator of the Pits."

"Who are you talking about?"

Megatron showed up behind the femme without any warning. She didn't even hear him come into the room.

"My Lord!" Darkwing bowed with blueish faceplates. "P-please, don't misunderstand, I didn't want to talk you out behind your back, I-I just...

"I'm really interested about what you said, Darkwing."The femme stayed silent, while her face became bluer. "Come with me. Soundwave, I presume you let me take your little help for a short time.

The silent mech nodded, then turned back to his work.

"My lord..."

"Just come, Darkwing."

The femme shoved back her words and followed the warlord through the hallways and corridors maze, to the flight deck of the ship.

Megatron stepped to the edge and jumped down from the Nemesis, and transformed in the air. After a little shock, Darkwing did the same. Her wings hurt like hell, but simply pushed the feeling down in her Spark.

With a proper distance from his leader, the femme stayed by his side all way. They flow through a giant, green field when Megatron eventually changed back to land on it.

Darkwing landed next to him and looked around.

There was only endless green around them. The soft grass gently stroked the femme's legs to every movement.

"Darkwing." Megatron called her name with a serious tone.

"Yes, my Lord?"

Her leader turned his back to her.

"I want you to tell me, what you think about me. You can't lie to me, and you can't stay silent this time. Just the full truth."

"My liege..." The femme wanted to say something, but she hesitated.

"Tell me."

"I... I adore you, my Lord." Darkwing put her hands on her chassis. "You're a great leader and a greater warrior. Even in those filthy Pits, you were our light, in the endless night. You gave hope to everybody who had the chance to meet with you. That's... that's why I'm with you here now."

"It looks almost like you... worship me."

A light wind stroke across the field.

"Maybe that's true."

"I'm not that good like you think I am, Darkwing. I killed thousands, and I did evil things."

"You did it for a better future for all of us. And I killed too. I think... You will never understand, how much we devote our lives to you." Darkwing scratched her own chassis when she felt that her feelings almost overthrown her. "I would burn down the whole world if you would order me to do it.

The leader turned back to her.

"That's it?"

"Yes, my lord."

"What a waste... I thought at least you will confess your love for me."

The blue color returned to the femme's face.

"M-my liege... you know our race can't feel that type of... attraction."

Megatron leaned down to her, and with his digits, he stroked the femme hot faceplates softly.

"And I still feel some type of magnetism between us."

"Th-that's only fellowship, between a big leader and his follower."

"If you say so." Megatron chuckled darkly, then stepped away from her. "I go back to the ship. You can stay out as long as you want, I sense that you feel trapped on the Nemesis."

The femme bowed to him and watched Megatron transform again to fly away. She looked after him, and when his figure left the horizon, she collapsed to the ground.

Darkwing's Spark almost jumped out of its place, and she panted from the interaction. Her whole frame shook when she remembered the touch.

"My... My dearest Lord... My one and only Megatron..."

Her calm day turned upside down.

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