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Darkwing finally escaped. It was only a momentary alone time when the Autobots didn't supervise her every movement, and she did it. She turned on the groundbridge and jumped into the portal, only moments later seeing the familiar and so much missed walls of the Nemesis around her. The dark plates on the sides, the flickering light source above her helm, and the faint, but still sensible buzzing of the engines all repeated the same sentence to her again and again.

She was at home.

"Guys!" She yelled, her voice echoing back and forth on the empty corridor. "Guys, I'm back!"

The femme ran through the labyrinth of hallways, trying to find somebody. The clankings of her peds were the only sound as she raced along the ship, but to her surprise, she met with no one. The next thing she knew, she was in front of the med bay, her hand on the opening button as the entrance slid to the side, revealing the cherry-red medic inside. Just like last time, he worked with a bunch of different colored liquids with his backside toward her.

"Knockout!" Darkwing didn't spare any more seconds, she jumped to the medic and wrapped her arms around him tightly, nuzzling her helm to him.

"Darkwing?" The mech looked at her with surprise, and then a moment later an angry yelling left his intake as he pushed her away. "What are you doing here?!"

Of course, she knew that after their last conversation the mech would be a bit distant, but the femme would have never imagined him to do this to her, after everything she went through just to return.

"I... I came back..." She answered in a shaky voice.

"You were not supposed to return. Why did you come back?" The medic growled at her, taking a step toward the seeker threateningly.

"Knockout, I-" Darkwing couldn't continue as she unexpectedly spotted the vehicons in the room.

"Nobody missed you, you glitched femme!" Said one of them.

"Go away!" Another aimed his cannon toward her sparkchamber. "You are just a burden! We were happy to get rid of you!"

"N-No, I-" The femme took a trembling step back to explain everything, but as she did she suddenly bumped into somebody. When she turned around to face the bot, her optics widened with fear. "S-Soundwave."

Her throat tightened at the sight, not knowing what to say or do. There were too many things she wanted, too many never said word and never did act.

The silent mech loomed over her like a dark shadow and grabbed her wrist, gripping her until Energon started to seep out from under his grasp. The initial shock of the crazy situation was washed over by the rising level of pain and the appearing blue drops.

"S-stop it, it hurts!" The femme pleaded, pulling away her servo. "W-what's wrong with all of you?"

"You should have never come back, femme." She heard his voice under his visor, but soon his whole dark frame started to tremble and change, turning into a bigger and bulkier one, which she watched with growing fear. "Maybe a bit of punishment is necessary in your case."

The Energon froze in her veins when Darkwing recognized the bot before herself.

It was Sentinel Prime, with that sadistic grin on his face like every time before he did his signature move and smashed her head against a wall. He looked even more intimidating, more devilish and cruel, only a thin line separating him from the complete monster he turned into when he "punished" her.

"Stand straight!" He shook her by her arm, forcefully tugging her closer and almost tearing out her servo with this move. "Maybe I will make it quicker if you obey!"

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