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The decepticon's less hostile behavior toward the Autobots became more and more obvious to everybody on the base in the next few days.

Of course, she threw back snappier remarks to the Wreckers as they tried to taunt her and she was still ice-cold toward their leader, but the mood at least got better. She even smiled a few times throughout the day as her gaze drifted off into the space, her digits stopping over the controller with an odd expression on her face.

Like an angered hive of wasps, Darkwing's thoughts were mostly filled with difficult equations and mountains of data, giving her only second-long breaks while her mind turned toward her dreams from the last nights. Her other half always surprised her with different imaginations, various scenarios on changing places, with only one thing staying consistent in the colorful worlds of the nights.

Lord Megatron.

These images in her processor shined so brightly and perfectly that it was hardly manageable for Darkwing to keep a straight face before the Autobots. He was always there with her, always holding her hands so gently like the real mech would do, and after some time, Darkwing started to think about these dreams as her safe place.

Because maybe she was a prisoner... Maybe she was just a glitched bot, full of faults and mistakes... but her leader never turned his back on her, no matter what. That's why she had to go home, to tell the warlord all the feelings that were buried in her Spark.

And with each little tap on the computer's keypad, she got closer and closer to achieving this goal.

While her mind got lost in the sea of calculations, suddenly a bigger frame crashed in next to her and as the femme looked up from the work, she found herself before the smirking Smokescreen. With his reckless behavior and young thinking, it was quite obvious to Darkwing that this bot didn't take too much part in the war's course. He was too careless around the children and overly hot-headed to be dealt with most of the time, but just like with any younger bot, she tried to keep things civil.

Even when the immature mech seemingly tried to provoke her with every possible chance.

"Hey, you Con." He started, crossing his servos before himself.

"Hey, you Bot." She answered, tilting her helm slightly. "Do you need something?"

"I just wanna ask something. Were you always a bloodlusty monster since the start of the war, or did you start off as one of the good guys?"

The room got colder in the matter of seconds after this sentence. The other bots, who until now just worked, rested, or played in the big, open space of the base now turned their helms toward the duo, looking back and forth between them.

With a small twitch in her wings, the seeker answered in a forcedly calm tone.

"If you are asking if I was always a Decepticon, then my answer is yes. Why do you care?"

"Were you at the Iacon attack too?"

Was it simple curiosity from his side? The femme couldn't tell it only based on his words, but the uneasy atmosphere from the others made her careful with her response. She felt their gaze on her frame, watching, observing, and judging her every reaction. Even the kids stopped playing on their little device.

"I had... other duties to attend at the time of the battle." The seeker said finally. "My question is still the same. Why do you care?"

Before answering, the mech shrugged his shoulders.

"Nah... I wanted to know if I had a chance to kill you before."

With a deep breath to let the colder air fill her inner parts and regulate her rising temperature, Darkwing turned her helm back toward the computer.

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