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The femme Decepticon attacked her victim one last time before the Autobot dropped in his own Energon as their Spark left back only a rusting shell as their remainings. She smirked and watched the lifeless body for a second, while she licked down the blue liquid from her digits.

"You were easy prey, you idiot." She said with a low chuckle as her optics changed to a lighter shade, and a second later the smile left her face too.

The femme left the dark cave without looking back to the damage she caused, leaving back only the carcass and the small package the bot kept at their side. When she reached the surface she looked around cautiously, waiting for any other attacker, but it was meaningless. Nobody was there.

Everything was full of red rocks, signaling that she was the only living creature on this desolate little planet. There was nothing else she would be interested in anymore.

She switched on her radio and sent a short message to the mothership, hoping for a new task she can accomplish for their cause.

"Darkwing to Nemesis, I terminated the last Autobot at the Morovin 5 too. I'm waiting for new orders" She said quietly.

For some time only static noise was hearable, but then finally her radio gave her the awaited answers.

"Nemesis to Darkwing. Lord Megatron is ordering you to come to Sol 3. Be here as soon as possible."

"Roger." The femme muttered her short answer, then offlined her communicator, looking around one last time.

Darkwing moved her three pairs of wings in a small circle to ease the tenseness in them, then jumped in the air and changed into her light purple jet form. While she programmed the route in her navigation, the dark space opened around her as she left the secluded rock and flew out into the stars.

"I'm coming..." She whispered to herself, flying across dozens of orbiting asteroids.

Days after days, she just went at full speed in the endless space, not stopping even for a minute to rest. She already wasted too much time with the hunting.

It was almost a week until she reached the blue and green planet, the Sol 3, in other names the Earth.

Darkwing reached the atmosphere in a short time, and some more minutes later, she flew near the top of a pine forest.

It wasn't the first time when the little flier was on this planet, but it always made her excited to be there. The femme never saw anything even similar to this little rock on her journeys, this planet stayed in her memories as an extraordinary place after all this time she was far from here.

"Darkwing to the Nemesis. I'm at Sol 3. Send the coordinates." She said to her com-link, taking a circle to secure the place around her.

"Negative. Drop to earth, we will send a ground bridge for you."

Darkwing sighed.


The ground shook beneath her peds when she dropped down into her bipedal form. A little dust cloud flew up from the dry soil and disappeared soonly after, while Darkwing looked around in the clearing, to secure herself from any possible attack. The birds whistled and chirped on the safety of the trees, some of them curiously glancing at the big metal bot, but they soon lost interest, and returned to their everyday lives, forgetting about the strange creature.

As she could tell it, she was safe. Momentarily.

The femme put down her right servo and took some dirt in her palm, curiously observing each little piece of pebble, then dropped them back, watching the stones fall back to the ground with a quiet clattering.

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