Project K.I.S.S.

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Darkwing failed herself. She didn't know what happened between her and Soundwave and why she told him the last sentence. She followed Knockout with numb limbs.

Her every word was true to him, but she feared her feelings would scam her. Cybertonians can't feel that type of attraction to each other in her experience, but she knew it will be better if she ask Knockout in his free time.


"Stop struggling, you giant crybaby!" Knockout shouted at the big blue mech while trying to restrain him. "I have to clean your wounds!"

Breakdown couldn't stop, the absence of his right optic made him anxious. He laid on the medberth, full of cuts, and with an open chassis.

"Calm down Knockout!" Darkwing slapped the medic. "You just make it worse!"

"Then what should I do?"

"The first thing that you had to learn when you became a medic. Calm your patient." The femme put her servos on the big mech's left hand. "Breakdown, if you stop moving, we can solve everything faster, okay? Calm down."

"But it hurts like scrap!"

"I know, Big boy. Just... try to think about something else."

"About what?"

"Dunno. Try something, please."

Breakdown sighed.


The blue mech tried to relax, while the two other could finally close his chassis, and Knockout sealed it down. Darkwing cleaned his smaller cuts and bruises. His Energon dripped to the medberth, and the femme tried to clean him down.

"Okay... Now about your optic. Knockout, do you have a spare on the storage?"

"We don't need it. " Breakdown muttered.

"Why? Oh, you have the old one?"

"I failed Lord Megatron. I should learn my lesson from this. Just... give me a patch, Knockout."

The medic and the femme glanced at each other, then Knockout started to work on his optic's hole. Breakdown hissed and clenched his fist. Darkwing put her servos on his hand and smiled at him.

"You can squeeze my digits if you want, Big boy."

"Are you kidding? I would break your servo!"

"You wouldn't." Darkwing forcedly put her digits in the big mech's grip. "I'm here with you."

Under Knockout work, bright sparks jumped out and gave more light to the room.

"I'm almost done."

Darkwing watched the medic's work.

"Knockout?" she murmured.


"When you will be done with Breakdown... Can we talk?"

"Why?" the mech stopped and looked at her. "What's wrong, kite?"

"I... I will tell you when you're done."

The medic continued, and soonly, a patch was in the place of Breakdown's optic.

The giant blue slowly got up from the medberth and waited to get used to his new vision. Darkwing looked up at him worriedly.

"Thanks, Knockout. And thanks for the help, Darky."

"You will be okay, Big boy?"

"I think so."

"Anyway, what do you want to say?" Knockout asked hastily.

In the gaze of the two mechs, the femme felt embarrassment. Darkwing lowered her wings and buried her face in her servos with a big sigh.

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