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The canteen was a spacious, light room next to the Energon storage, full of tables and chairs welded to the floor, leaving enough place for any bot to comfortably sit down anywhere they wanted. Just like most of the time, the cons had a chance to talk here without caring about rank differences, sipping the Energon from their little cubes to spend their short breaks in peace. Soft murmuring with scattered laughter, and sometimes clinking glasses gave the base tone to the room, wrapping the place in a rarely experienced tranquility.

Sadly, this peaceful buzzing immediately went silent as the entrance opened, and they took a glance at the femme in the doorframe, surrounded by the bots from the engine room. Darkwing looked around for a second, tightening her hold on the little cube in her hand that she got for herself from the storage as her daily dose.

"Maybe it wasn't such an excellent idea after all..." She muttered, staring down at the ground anxiously, feeling the others' look on her.

"It will be alright." One of the smaller workers whispered into her audio quietly, putting his servo on her back to prevent her from escaping, then continued a little louder. "Come on sweetspark, sit down."

The murmuring slowly returned in every corner of the room as they got a place for themselves around a free table. The mechs took down their face protectors, revealing their rarely seen faces, before opened their small cubes. After they took some sips and got comfortable in their places, one of the vehicons finally burst out with the question.

"So... can we ask about this thing?"

He immediately got hit on the shoulder by his partner.


"Now what, I can't even ask?" The con confusedly questioned, then motioned toward the femme. "There are two people in one body, tell me what should I ask if not this? I'd bet you are interested in it too!"

"You can't just put this up like this you scraphead! We already talked about boundaries, if Darkwing doesn't want to talk then-"

"No, no, it's okay." The femme interrupted by putting her digits on the bot's servo. "I understand the curiosity. Go on."

The tensed up bots leaned back in their chairs, looking at each other for a moment.

"I think it would be the best if you start from the beginning. How is this even work?"

Before she said anything, the little flier took a sip from her cube, then accompanied by a short grimace, she put back the lid on top of it instantly.

"It's... difficult." She coughed, playing with the cube by spinning it on its corner. "Although I can't understand most of it, we know something happened on that day when we were forged. According to our investigation, there was an earthquake like thing at that time on Cybertron, and it looks like it had an effect on our form, only cracking and not breaking our Spark like with most of the twins."

"And the others who were born with you? I mean dozens of bots were forged every day, how is it that only you came out like this?"

Darkwing looked up to the ceiling for a second, thinking if she can tell them about the "others".

"Twenty-six bots were forged in the same patch with us, and according to the datas, all of them were dead by the start of the war." She said finally, looking back at her comrades.

"All of them?"

"All of them." She nodded slowly. "We already did everything to find the reasons for this..." She motioned toward her whole form. "But it's hard to find if there is no real reason. Big chance that Primus only made a mistake."

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