Stuck in the past/ Part 1

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The femme looked up to the space bridge before her and put the last data in her datapad.

"Excellent. I will give the information to my Master, and soonly we can connect this bridge in the system. Anything else?"

The old, rusty mech next to her glanced at her.

"We need more Energon for the workers."

"I will tell the responsible department, but don't make any hope in it. The Energon storage is on low."

The mech grabbed her servo and made her drop the datapad.

"Our workers die, you glitch! And you just say the storage is on low?"

The femme didn't react for seconds, then slowly grabbed the mech's digits, and squished them, making him let her go.

"I get the same amount of Energon as you and your workers. Maybe try to save up next time." the femme picked up the datapad, and touched the broken edge of it. "What a waste... It was barely new."

The mech watched the femme leave the Spacebridge bay and huffed to himself.

"What is she thinking?"

His whole question was meaningless. The femme didn't think about anything, just followed the orders. While walking under the giant building's shadow, she passed next to an almost dead mech. His peds were missing, and one of his optics was loosened in its place.

But the femme doesn't care. Her job was almost done, she only had to take back the data to the Council's house, just up on the street. Kaon's upper parts were cleaner than the Pits but still, the surfaces never shined like in Iacon city. She was there once with her Master, and she never forgot that place. The high casts never spared anything just to make their environment better for themselves.

She reached the Council's building and walked up the stairs to the door. Two big, fighting mechs stood on the two sides of the door, and when she reached them, one opened the door for her. The femme nodded, walked past them, and stepped into the lobby.

"Are you done with the project?" A little femme with a pink frame grabbed her datapad from the side. "Oh, I see. Well, don't waste any time, take it to Soundwave. "

The little bot gave back the datapad to her.

"Yes, Elita."

The bigger nodded again, then walked up to the inner doors. She heard crushing sounds from the inside, and when she opened the door, she saw a very high mech lying on the floor.

"Can't you knock?" A sturdy mech shouted at her. "Soundwave, discipline your pet!"

A dark armored mech stepped to her and grabbed her servo.

"Immediately." He pulled her after himself into another room. "It was not the best moment for you to come back.

The room where they were was the mech's workplace. Every wall was full of pictures of different types of space bridges, and loads of data from other planets.

"I'm sorry, Master. But I'm done with the data for the K-27 project. Soonly we can activate it."

"I think that will be rejected." Soundwave stepped to the window, and the femme only saw his dark figure. "We will lock down every space bridge on Cybertron."

"But the work is done, we can..."

"The plague became too much in the colonies. The Head Council decided to shut down every movement between our planet and the others."

"We leave them alone?"

"Do you have any thoughts about it?"

The femme shook her head.

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