Not anymore

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With her silent pedstep, the femme slowly walked across the Nemesis toward her destination, like a past grieving ghost. Darkwing was lost in her thoughts again, thinking about the red and blue mech's role in their life, to be clear with herself finally.

He was not her Orion anymore. But if he wasn't Orion, then who was he?

She walked down on the lines of her memories, thinking about the moment the red and blue mech stopped being their friend. Was he like this before the meeting with the Council? When she shared with him her thoughts about everything? Or he planned to stab them in the back even before he sent his first letter to Megatron?

She doubted it.

But the big responsibility could change anybody, she knew it too well.

When was the last time she talked with the troops without giving them orders? When was the last time when she just enjoyed their company without them giving her reports?

The soldiers became cold and distant, only seeing her as their commander, only like a new version of Starscream and this made her uncomfortable.

Megatron stayed the same toward her, and she only had to ask Soundwave to dig out any information she wanted, but the others... Even Knockout and Breakdown followed their promise to be more polite with her in the presence of others.

Shadow enjoyed their high position, but Darkwing felt weird in her place. She was a follower, not a leader.

Maybe everything would be better if she change places with Shadow, to leave the leading to her? She could perfectly mimic her tone and expressions if she wanted, but wouldn't it be easier if they expose the secret?

Darkwing proposed the idea to her other half while she slowly reached the ground bridge control room, not sure how she will react.

'Do you really want to?' Shadow asked after a short thinking.

'I don't want to keep the secret any longer. I fear, but... Maybe Lord Megatron can induce the others to accept it.'

'Let me think about it.'

Shadow didn't reject her idea immediately, that was a good sign. But not the end of this conversation.

The spacious control room's half was full of computers, ready to open a ground bridge to every part of the planet anytime if needed. Only one mech was in there, focusing on the datas before him, but when the door opened, he turned to its way.

"Hey, Darky." Breakdown waved to her.

"Hey, Big Boy." Darkwing's face immediately brightened up with a smile. "Lord Megatron told me to check on the space bridge. Do you have any idea what's wrong with the project?"

"Dunno, the last time they checked in, a bot told me they are recalibrating the system."

Darkwing slightly tilted her helm to the side, trying to remember any mention of recalibration in the reports.

"That's... weird." She muttered silently.


"It wasn't in today's program." The little flier stayed silent for some seconds. "Open a bridge to there, please."

The mech just nodded, activating a whirling portal on the other side of the room. Darkwing reached closer to it and stared at the blueish lights playing with the shadows in the room, like small, playful demons.

'Dear.' Shadow muttered with nervousness.

'I know. Our wings are twitching like crazy.'

The Shadow of KaonWhere stories live. Discover now