Mental Breakdown 1.

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"... tomorrow when I will be done with my duties, let's have a talk."

She finally decided it.

Darkwing's conversation with Dreadwing helped her decide what she wanted really. In the last few days she waited for a perfect moment, fearing from the consequences, but when she saw the fireworks lighting up the dark sky, the femme understood the fact that there won't be a perfect moment. Even if she wait a thousand years, her fear would always get in the way.

The only solution was to do it fast and without a chance to change her mind, because in every other case she would back away like a coward.

She felt she IS a coward.

As she left the main deck for the night with Soundwave to take their short recharging time together, Darkwing felt her sister's angry scolding approaching like a dark stormcloud.


'Tomorrow, Shadow.' She thought, before the other one's anger burst out. 'I am too weak to do it alone, but Lord Megatron can give me support while I'll talk with the others. You would like him to be there too, wouldn't you? I promise, tomorrow night I will tell.' Darkwing slowly reached to the silent mech's servo who walked next to her and intervened their digits. 'Just give me one last time to be with Soundwave like this.'

Shadow analyzed her thoughts, and when she got onto the conclusion that she didn't lie, she curled her consciousness into a small ball in the back as an agreement.

'Okay.' She huffed. 'But I don't want him to leave more marks on our frame. I feel myself dirty even from the ones we already have.'

'Thank you, sister.'

They finally reached the mech's room and after the door shut behind them and Soundwave let up Laserbeak to his resting place, he turned to the femme. A weird, short static noise came from his visor as he slowly stepped closer to her, and in the same time his vents turned on in their lowest volume as a preparation for something he wanted to do.


The mech put his servos on her shoulders, and gently, step after step backed her to the berth, then lifted her up to it. The little flier gulped, remembering that he still owed her with a rematch after how she left him to get Dreadwing.

The mech crawled up on her, keeping his weight with his servos next to her helm, and staring down to the defenseless femme with such hunger that no words could possibly describe. One of his tendrils took down his visor, dropping it to the side while he leaned even closer, huffing warm air on the little flier's neckcables to give her shivers.

And she LOVED it.

Darkwing closed her optics to give herself fully to the enjoyable treatment, but they shot open in the next moment when the mech's glossa licked into the complex wiring, and his dentas started nipping on them, earning a small squeak from the femme. He already knew which ones were safe to bite without making another "accident", so he confidently pampered every inch of the small seeker's neck while his tendrils rested on her chassis to follow her every reaction through the almost unnoticeable buzzing from her Spark. Darkwing panted from the mech's doing and grabbed the back of Soundwave's helm to pull him even closer, wanting with her every fiber to be touched, loved and caressed by him.

She heard how her own body reacted to his touches, how the tips of her wings scraped the berth beneath her, and how beautiful were the metallic, but still soft noises that their frame made together. And all of this was the reason she lived for.

Soundwave, the mech who once was her everything, the mech who left her, and the mech who avoided her in the war all along, now became her everything again as she momentarily forgot the cruel and sad world outside the safeness of the berth. There was nothing what Darkwing wouldn't give to freeze the time in this moment, just to stay with her most beloved mate like this until the end of the times.

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