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Darkwing watched the eruption of the weird-colored magma from the ground. The world kept spinning around her, she couldn't risk getting up.

"My lord, why am I needed here?" she asked in a weak voice without taking off her glance from the volcano.

Megatron stepped next to her, leaned down, and lifted her chin with his digits, to force her to look into his optics. Her face lit up with admiration when her leader smiled at her darkly.

"You were in my vision too, Darkwing. You will help me change this world... then you will help me rule over it."

"How can I help, my lord? I can't even move in my state."

The mech laughed and stroked his digits on her dermas.

"Very soon, it will change."

A sudden voice disturbed their com link.

"Megatron, I am here on your ship. Come and face me."

Darkwing recognized the voice of the Autobot leader. After short thinking, Megatron let her helm down and looked up to the sky.

"Any Decepticon who lays a hand on Optimus Prime will answer to me. Soundwave, lock onto our coordinates, and lead my opponent to his destiny."

A ground bridge opened near them, to let through the red and blue Autobot.

"Darkwing?..." Optimus looked at her with surprise. "Megatron, I knew that you are crazy, but I never thought that you will come this far. Your soldier needs immediate help."

"Oh, she will get help, when we are done here. She will be our eyewitness in our last battle, Optimus." Megatron took out his blade.

"Then be it. One shall stand..."

"And one shall fall."

With this, the two mechs started their final battle. After all this time, Darkwing was still amazed by the two polar opposites' fights. Their encounter was wild, and the femme knew if she would have tried to interfere, they would crash her without notice.

Megatron was in the winning position until the Autobot changed form and pushed down him from the cliff to a lower ground level.

"My lord!" Darkwing trembled with fear and shame. 

She couldn't do anything, she couldn't help her lord. 

The earth shook underneath them, and the eruption became more intense, throwing bigger and bigger rocks to their way. Darkwing was laid almost paralyzed on the ground, but in a closely fallen stone, a weird light grabbed her attention. She crawled in its way, digging her claws into its hard surface, only to find a small dark Energon shard inside of it.

At this moment, Darkwing doesn't care where it came from. She only needed to use it, it was her only chance to help her leader. Without a second thought, Darkwing shoved the dark Energon into her Spark. Terrible pain spread across in her body, and before Darkwing's helm crashed onto the ground, she heard a small laugh.

Megatron fell back by the Autobot's dirty technic and he stomped on his chassis and was ready to extinguish his Spark.

"I couldn't allow this to end otherwise..." Optimus said in a determined voice.

Suddenly, a shot crashed into his chassis and pushed him back. Optimus looked around, only to find Darkwing with smoking cannons and purple glowing optics stepping closer to them.

"Don't you dare... to hurt Lord Megatron." she panted with a growing strength. "Don't you dare to put your filthy digits on him again!" She shouted.

Darkwing lowered herself on her servos and charged at the mech with brutal power. The surprised Autobot tried to protect himself, but the almost crazily attacking femme were too much for him. She striked him without break, one hit after another.

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