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Soundwave opened his optics in the disturbing light. The morning came faster than he expected, but he was happy. He glanced down to the femme who peacefully recharged in his servos next to him, and smiled on a simple thought.

She was his mate now.

His one and only Darkwing, the Shadow of Kaon, now was only a fragile little femme to him that he wanted to protect at any cost.

Their night was full of love. After they got back to her berthroom, Soundwave lifted her up into bridal style and put on the berth before he joined her. They cuddled, kissed, and listened to the nighttime noises of the ship, without saying a word. Darkwing respected his Vow of Silence, and never tried to make him talk. He loved her for this too.

Soundwave wanted to stay with her like this forever, but he had work to do. They had to follow Megatron's order to do their job at the same pace as before. The mech sighed, and with an idea, he let out his tendrils from his frame and maneuvered them into Darkwing's personal computer's way. He connected up to the network with them, while his body was still around the femme, and started to work. He checked every piece of information and data that he got from last night, and watched the recordings of the cameras. Everything seemed normal. He checked Laserbeak too, he was in Soundwave's room waiting for his orders. He calmed the minibot with a short message, to let him know everything is alright with them.

While he worked, Darkwing got up from her recharge too. She glanced up at the mech and saw his wires connected to her computer. He was calm, his optics closed, and even in his state, he hugged her. Darkwing smiled. She wanted to get him out of his work, but she knew how important he was to the Decepticons too. She snuggled up to him even more, to stole some of his warmness, and closed her eyes to rest a little bit.

Soonly, Soundwave came out of his working process, pulled back his tendrils, and kissed the top of the femme's helm.

"I'm up, darling. I just don't want to get out..." She said in a tired voice. "Please don't make me..."

The mech giggled at her reaction, and with his digits, he draw small circles on her armor. The answer now just a sleepy moaning was.

Soundwave played down the recording about her purring noise, while grabbed her hips, and turned themselves, so he was on the top of the little femme, but still tried to keep himself from crushing her. Darkwing looked up to him with a surprised blush.

"Soundwave..." She chirped in her lowest volume. "Do you want my Spark to jump out from its place, whenever you are near me?"

The mech hid his face in her neck.

Soundwave thanked Primus that the femme was made for him. He thanked Megatron, that they finally found each other again because of him. And he thanked Darkwing, that she never gave up on him. After all, she really was born to stay next to him.

He couldn't think from other than the day, when he got her. She was freshly emerged from the well, full of couriosity, and still tried to decide who is she. 

Soundwave suddenly felt the femme's servos touching his back and stroking on it up and down.

He was pleased by her gentle touches and played down the femme's purring again. Soundwave felt her chuckling under him.

"Soundwave, you're so soft..."

He lifted his head to look at her blushing face. He didn't like to word she used on him.

He? Soft?

Soundwave wanted to show her that he was NOT soft.

He is everything, but not soft.

Soft is weak.

Weak will die.

He grabbed her servos and pulled them above her helm. Their armors rubbed together with a metallic noise. Soundwave looked down to the femme with lust in his optics, and he knew he could make her cry for more.

And he wanted it now.

Darkwing smiled and looked at him like before every kiss, but he didn't want to give her that.

His tendrils squeezed her thighs lightly while he nibbled on her neck cables with deadly passion. His digits craved slightly in her wrists without hurting her, and caressed her every inch with affection while looked deeply into her optics.

The femme finally understood his intentions. Her blush became darker and darker, before she even said a word.

"P... please... Soundwave..."

Soundwave put one of his servos on her mouth.

"TCCK... call me... Master."

Darkwing looked up at him with fear and surprise, but the mech nodded with consent and took off his hand from her dermas. He knew that she wanted to call him that every time instead of his name, like in the old times, but he forbade it from her. With a slow movement, he created friction between them and made the femme moan in pleasure.

"TCCK... call me... Master...One last time."

The femme looked to the side with the darkest possible blush. Soundwave wanted to give her an end in their late relationship, to start everything again as equal partners. 

Darkwing's expression became different. She stopped to struggle, her digits loosened ther grasp, and her face reflected obedience.

"Please, kiss me... Master."

Her voice was respectful and weak. Soundwave found it adorable how fastly she could change between a lovely femme and a servant just for him.

Their digits intertwined in a strong grip, and the mech smacked his dermas on hers, while his tendrils gripped her thighs even more, leaving little marks all around her stabilizers.

Soundwave let himself down fully onto her, while Darkwing panted in a lovely, sweet voice.

"So... you let me rest some more?"

It was a good start for their day.

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