Eight-armed demon

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Darkwing was tired. Her work on the historical records never ended, she always ran into walls in her search. For the last 36 hours, she stood before the computer in the dark room, without any word to anybody. She heard a small clank behind her back, and without turning to it, she switched on the lights.

"Don't try to scare me, Airachnid. I can hear you."

"My my~" the spidercon laughed, while jumped down from the ceiling. "You are not fun, Darkwing."

"What do you want?" Darkwing asked in a blank voice.

"You're so harsh today, dear. Maybe I hurt your feelings?"

Darkwing tried to avoid her since she arrived at the Nemesis. They never were close, and the spider femme gave her goosebumps whenever she heard her long legs knocking all around in the corridors. Her always cruel, cold-sparked expressions made Darkwing cautious around her.

Darkwing sighed and turned her helm into her way. Even when the spidercon used her appendages, she was smaller than Darkwing.

"Why are you back with the Decepticons? You went rogue. You left us to hunt rare species." She asked.

Airachnid came closer to her.

"I know I made a mistake. But I learned my lesson and came back to serve our one true Master, like in the old times. Aren't you alone in a ship full of mechs?"

"Why would I be?" Darkwing started to type again and sent some important information to her datapad.

"Although sometimes they are entertaining, our processor was made in a different way than theirs. Can't you see the similarities between us? We are strong, adaptable femmes, who can work alone easier."

"And you still don't let me finish my job here."

"What are you even doing?" Airachnid looked past her right shoulder.

"Why should I tell you?" Darkwing closed the pages on the monitor and deleted every trace of her work from the records.

"Because I'm your commander." The spidercon growled at her.

"My job is only supervised by Lord Megatron. This work falls outside of the normal Decepticon information chain, so I don't need to report to you."

"You will regret this, Darkwing."

"Is this a threat?"She asked in a clear voice. "You know very well that I can beat you. Anytime and anywhere."

"Don't forget your place, you little carcass user..."

Darkwing turned to her and grabbed one of her appendages. Airachnid tried to move back with a fearful and surprised expression on her face, but Darkwing's grip was too strong.

"You're just here to have some fun." Darkwing stated with cold optics. " I'm here to help the Decepticons, so give me one reason, one VERY good reason... Why should I not kill you, and tell everyone that you left us again?"

"Don't be a fool, Soundwave can see you through the cameras!" Airachnid shouted at her.

"Oh really?" Darkwing winked to the camera, then sent a kiss with her free servo in its direction. "Soundwave, can you offline the camera signal in this room, just for a minute? Thank you, darling."

The camera's lens lost its bright color, which meant it got offlined. Darkwing's free servo turned into a cannon, and she pointed with it to Airachnid's chassis.

"So, I'm still waiting for your reason." She stated.

Darkwing was bigger, but not slower than Airachnid, she knew this very well. In hand-to-hand combat, she would easily win against her. The spidercon looked around for a possible escape route, but before she could do anything, Darkwing's cold optics changed back into their normal color. She let go of her appendage and smiled at Airachnid.

"Don't try yourself against me. The Shadow of Kaon will kill you next time."

Darkwing grabbed a datapad from the side of the computer and left the mad spiderbot in the room alone.

While she walked down the corridors, her digits typed on the little pad, to look up some of the collected information about the Covenant of Primus.

Her search finally resulted in success.

She found the full script about the incoming events too, and she read its every word with growing nervousness. Darkwing can't even watch where she went, just marched straight until she bumped into somebody.

The femme looked up, just to find his leader before herself.

"My liege! I'm terribly sorry." She muttered.

"Ah, Darkwing... I was looking for you. Did you get some new information, in your task?"

"Yes, my lord, but... I rather tell it to you behind locked doors."

The warlord nodded and opened the closest room to them.

"So what did you find? He asked while he locked the door."

Darkwing looked down to her datapad, then gave it to Megatron.

"The script is full, but I have to say..." She started. "I had a problem converting it to Cybertronian because some part was in a dead language, and the coding is extremely hard. At the end, I got two variations. The first is the more known version. The 47 spheres, the world forged from chaos, and the weak will perish parts are well known in our legends but didn't know where to put the rising darkness.

Her leader ran through on her sidenotes in the documents.

"And the second version?"

"It's almost the same, but... the different translations gave the different meanings of the words. You see..." Darkwing tried to turn over the pages in the datapad in her lord's servo. "Ah, there it is! A place born from evil... I think this script is not about Cybertron. Our planet is not evil, it's just..."

"I understand. Anything else?" Megatron became impatient.

"Yes. Sorry. So, in this version, there is no rising darkness. Even the concept of this word is in a twisted context. It can mean anything different from the common, better or worst."

"Good job, Darkwing. And when this line-up is going to happen?"

"Less than a week, my lord. I think we should do the prepara-"

Darkwing felt a sudden weakness in her limbs. Her optics became foggy, and she almost fell to the floor, when the warlord grabbed her servo and pulled her back. The femme leaned to the mech for some support.

"Darkwing, what happened?"

"N-nothing my lord, I'm just... I just need some rest... It happened a few times in the last days..." She said with shaking knees.

"Maybe you should need to visit Knockout. I don't want my soldiers to drop to the ground on the battlefield."

"No, I... I can't be weak." She panted. " The weak will perish."


The femme did something that she had never done before. She interfered Megatron.

"Lord Megatron, I can't be a burden to the Decepticon cause. I can't be a burden... to you."

The warlord glanced down at her angrily.

"Why are you so stubborn, Darkwing? You always go through your limits, without realizing it."

"I... I just want to be useful to you, my lord."

Megatron stayed silent for some seconds, then without any warning, he picked up Darkwing in his servos.

"I take you to the med-bay. And you will be quiet on all the way, without a word."

"My lord...!"

"Without a word, Darkwing."

The femme shut her mouth.

"That's better." The mechs smiled.

Darkwing felt her leader's big and strong chassis on her side, and she would bid on it that she even felt his Spark moving around inside.

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