Old friend, old song, new enemy

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'This is not the right time.' Darkwing thought as she returned to her duties and the piled-up reports on her work desk.

'And this one is a bad moment too.' She thought in their small breaks when Knockout and Breakdown satisfied her curiosity about the earthy things they already experienced by showing her videos and telling her stories.

'And this is definitely not my best chance.' She thought while her silent mech secretly squeezed her digits when nobody looked at them.

Whenever the little flier backed away from telling the secret, Shadow scolded her for being weak, but she didn't care. Darkwing wanted it to be the RIGHT moment, not just some ordinary one.

A moment when nothing can go wrong, when she can feel she is in control, and when she can explain everything without hurry.

But in the present, in this shard of peaceful time, she didn't want more than she had. Darkwing finally could spend time with the mech she loved so much as they worked side by side before the main deck's computers completely alone, without any disturbance. Their leader left them in charge as he went out to check the excavation of some type of relic, moreover even the cons had jobs elsewhere. The mates worked in almost complete silence, only their digits tip-tapping made any sounds sometimes, next to the low chirping from the machines.

Darkwing liked the peaceful environment, and she didn't care if this was only a momentary calm before the storm. She needed it. She needed to feel normal one last time before...

The femme only acknowledged the fact that she dozed out when Soundwave tapped one of his tendrils on her shoulder, making her jump a little.

"Oh!" She nervously giggled. "Sorry darling, I just..." Darkwing pointed at her monitor. "Khm... It's a long time since I did something like this, and it looks like I don't remember the end of the formula in the calculation. Can you help me, please?"

Soundwave glanced at the pages on her terminal, then after a short thinking, he nodded.

He got close to her by putting his servos on the computer's keypad on her each side, trapping her between the cold metal and his warm frame with this. The little flier felt a sudden hotness on her faceplate from this action as her backstruts and wingplates touched his chassis, and a small shivering ran across her body.

Darkwing blushed and tried to get the idea out from her helm of them being completely alone there, together with the memory of when they were this close to each other next to one of the computers... No, no, no, she had to concentrate, there was work to do.

She stared at the monitor to focus her whole attention on the task, hoping that the third in command didn't hear the fast beatings of her Spark from this small distance.

The mech tapped with his long digits on the computer's buttons in a crazy speed, changing the faulty part of the formula, then pointed at some parts of the datas to show her what she left out.

"So... Like this?" Darkwing lightly touched his servos as she tried the calculation again, which earned a successful beeping from the machine before them.

The silent mech nodded, and like he is just now realized from how her frame got warmer and warmer by the minute how close they were, he looked down to her through his visor.

"It's okay darling... I think we deserve a small reward after all this work." The femme purred quietly.

Soundwave's servos slowly left the keypad, finding their new place on her waist to hug her tightly, pushing their frame together in the process. The silent mech put his chin on her shoulder to be even closer to his femme as they enjoyed the small break on their own.

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