Orion Pax

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The femme was angry. 

When Lord Megatron returned from the Council meeting, she only thought that the negotiation wasn't successful. A defeat, it could have been fixed. But her leader wasn't just angry, he was deeply furious and vengeful.

At first, she would never imagine the loss they really had to suffer, but after yelling at some bots, the mech told her everything that happened in the High Council. He told her about their choice, the rejection, and... Orion.

The femme felt cheated. If anybody is worthy to be a Prime, it's Megatron.

Her Energon almost boiled as she reached the roof where she could find the bot, and when she saw his red and blue paint, the rage almost took her over.

"Orion!" She shouted, and when the mech turned around to face her, she continued. "Is it true? They want to make you a Prime?"

The mech smiled at her happily, without noticing her hostile behavior.

"Yes. We can finally end thi-"

"I don't care!" The femme interrupted him, surprising the mech with the yelling. "You stood to their side with this! How could you do this to us?"

Orion looked quite disturbed by her unusual acts. He had never seen the normally calm femme yelling, or even raising her voice.

"Look, I know it wasn't the plan, but it will be for the best. We can end the caste system without spilling Energon. Everybody will be free to follow their dreams."

He thought his words could convince her about his truth, but just like her leader, it only made her even more furious.

"You don't know them!" She yelled with despair. "They are lying to you! The Council will never do anything to change, they are just a bunch of idiots!" The femme pointed at his chassis. "You can't be this easy to fool Orion, I thought you have something in your helm, not just rust."

The mech stared at her for a moment before he spoke. 

"Femme, you know nothing about politics." He said in a low voice. "You are just a worker from the Pits."

From his words, the femme's body stiffened. Her other half almost broke out, it was a miracle she was able to hold her back. 

She stared the mech with hatred and despise while lowered her helm and clenched her fists.

"I know more than you can imagine, Orion." She said in a clear voice. "I was there. I saw what they did, I saw what happened to the bots who went against the caste system. I thought you will be different..." She looked up at him again. "But you are just like them. Just a higher caste bot with a comfy life, who thinks he can understand the suffering of others."

With this, the femme turned her back to him and started to walk away slowly.

"Where are you going?" Orion asked him surprisedly.

"Back to my leader." She glanced at him once more. "You got yourself two very dangerous bots as your enemy, Orion. We make sure you will regret everything."

To the question of why this memory came to the surface of her processor in this situation, Darkwing never got answers, because a loud, crashing noise pulled her back as her leader hit one of the soldiers.

"How could you let Starscream up to the ship?!" The warlord yelled at the vehicons in the room. "I should throw everyone into the smelter, maybe something better would come out in the process! Now get out you idiots and repair my fragging ship!"

The soldiers left the room as soon as they could, leaving Megatron and his two commanders alone.

For a moment, everything went silent. But not for too long.

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