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Darkwing's day was long. She helped the soldiers in one of the mines to protect the worker-class bots. It was a boring job, but at least she had time to catch up with them too. The femme loved how close the soldiers and the workers were to each other at the mine level, not like up in the Nemesis. She sat on a little rock and talked with the nearest miner.

"What can you say about the today harvested Energon?" she asked a little worker bot, who put the crystals in a bigger container.

"Not medical grade, but it's good. Do you want to take back some?"

"Nah, I will wait for my cube, but thanks."

The worker put down the crystal.

"It was a long time since you were down with us. What happened?"

"I was on a mission in outer space, to kill the enemy."

Some workers and soldiers looked at her with surprised faces.

"You killed Autobots?"

"That's our Darkwing!"

"Guys, I'm just a soldier like you, nothing more." She answered.

"But we have this boring work, while you are in the upper ranks. "

"Yeah, we are just targets for the Autobots."

Darkwing got up from her place.

"Never say that. I have the same value as you. You help the cause with your work, and I do this with mine too. We started the war to give everybody a chance in life to become more than their cast. When we will win, the first round of high grade will be on me, so we can celebrate together, without different classes."

Darkwing looked out from the mine, where the Sun almost disappeared on the horizon.

"I have to go back now guys, I have a little meeting. Take care!"

"Bye Darkwing!" The soldiers and the workers said it in chorus.

The femme left the cave, turned into her jet form, and flew up to the deck of the ship.

Her first route lead her to her berthroom, to get something, but when she stepped on her berthroom's corridor, she saw a big dark frame. Her first surprised reaction turned into flustered excitement when she walked over to him. Laserbeak wasn't attached to his chassis, so they were truly alone.

"Soundwave! Did you wait for a long time?"

The mech shook his helm when he turned to her. A big silence followed that. Darkwing doesn't know what she should say. His peaceful standing reflected his calm mood.

"Then... please, come in." She opened the door, and let him in before she went too.

Darkwing locked the door, and before she could turn to the mech, she felt his tendrils on her spine. A little squeak left her voicebox, and her wings opened to the side.


It was hard to talk, while from the last time more experienced mech knew where to touch her to make her blush.

At least, Darkwing turned to him and grabbed his tendrils.

"Before we do anything, please sit down. We have to talk." She whispered quietly.

Soundwave sat down on her berth's edge without resistance and looked at her. Darkwing found her place next to him.

Her optics ran down from his helm onto his chassis and his servos. At that moment, Darkwing felt like she is a giant idiot with her idiot plan. But she had to ask him.

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