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Darkwing slowly patted the wings of Laserbeak, who calmly rested on her lap without any movement. The femme sat on some old Energon storing box and looked out the window to watch the sunrise above the ocean, but in her head, just the incoming events chased each other. The shards inside her, the prophecy, the rising darkness... Darkwing didn't know what she should do.

After the experiments, Shockwave took out every bit of the dark Energon from her body... or at least she thought he did.

Darkwing remembered the cold medberth, where the scientist did his weird tests on her. The monitor's beepings, the medic saw's buzz, the mech's red optic... Shockwave was brutal to her, he never gave her any anesthetic before he cut her open. He wanted to see how much pain his procedures make to her, and he watched her struggling against the constant pressure to scream when he stopped his work to check her life signals. These memories still ghosted her in her nightmares.

But she survived the experiments, and her rewards were on her back. Her beautiful wings, which she always wanted.

With her deformity from the forging process, back at Cybertron the other flyers always looked at Darkwing with disgust. But with these wings, she was as good as them, or even better. She could never beat Starscream in the sky, Darkwing was not enough skilled for that, but she was fast. Faster than most Seeker and faster than some spaceships. And she was proud of this.

But if her every achievement were just because of the influence of the shards in her Spark... she was nothing. She did nothing from her own power.

Laserbeak on her lap started to move around when her digits stopped his petting.

"Oh, I'm sorry Lasey. I will continue." Darkwing stroked his wings again.

The femme felt a gentle touch on her shoulder, and without turning back, she reacted.

"I'm just lost in my thoughts, don't worry Soundwave. Just do your job."

The light pressure stayed on her shoulder while the silent mech continued his work. After the incident, Soundwave doesn't let her out of his sight, even for a minute. They stuck together, day and night, for almost a whole week. In work, in recharge, when they took their Energon ratio... they were together. Darkwing loved their time, even when her partner just typed on the computers for hours, because for her slightest weird movement, Soundwave turned in her direction. She knew from this that he always looked out for her.

And it was good, the number of her faints grow with every day. Her helm felt so heavy, and her limbs were so light, she easily lost her balance.

Megatron forbade her from any work on the ship, so her days went very slowly. She didn't want to disturb Soundwave, so most of the time she entertained the minicon.

Darkwing slowly stroked Laserbeak's torso in the light of the emerging sun.

"Soon the time will come... the spheres almost in their place," she muttered.

"And we will be ready to conquer our destiny."

Darkwing looked to the source of the voice to see Megatron standing behind her.

"My lord!" The femme jumped up and bowed.

The minicon flew to Soundwave with a dissatisfied noise, who just continued his work at the same pace.

"Sit back, Darkwing. How do you feel?"

Darkwing wanted to say that she is alright, but a glance at her leader's face stopped her. She can't lie to Megatron.

The giant mech sat down next to her, and the little femme turned back into the window's way.

"I... I feel tired, my lord. Do you think a new, bigger shard will help?"

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