The Secrets of the Silent

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"I love you. I love you more than anything in the galaxy."

To anybody else, these words would have been maybe just empty, grey statements, but to Soundwave, it was a sacred promise. A fated, but until now prevented connection between his dear little femme and him, something special and beautiful that was destined by Primus himself.

This future was eradicated by only a couple of words on that night when the femme jumped into the portal, then came back as a completely different person, revealing the secret she kept inside herself all in these years.

Two days. 

Only two days passed since he saw her smile, or heard his name on her sweet voice, and he was already on the edge of insanity. Soundwave didn't know why this had to happen to them.

Was it even true? Was anything true she told him before, or all of this was an act, to keep herself safe? 

He didn't know. And this lack of knowledge made him more and more anxious and disturbed with every waking moment, which was on an almost unbearable level by now, given by the fact that he couldn't get himself to go and take even a short recharge.

Not with her fragrance in the room.

Not without her.

Soundwave felt foolish, this avoiding mentality was far from his normal behavior.

He was a mighty soldier after all. Feared by their crew, and respected by their leader, someone they relied on in the darkest hours to stay firm and unfailing, like a mountain.

And still, in the servos of his small femme, he felt he was just a piece of clay. Easily alterable by her will, bent to be something he never imagined he could be.

The truth is... he missed Darkwing's presence.

He missed the nightly hours when he woke up and just admired how adorable she looked when her little mind found peace in the land of her dreams before he started to drift back too. The stolen kisses they shared, the warmth she planted in his Spark, her laughing... When she was his, and his only in these fragile moments in the infinity...

Then suddenly their fragile moments broke into sharp pieces before he could do anything about it, cutting both of them deeply, without mercy.


Even the name of that creature gave him a bad feeling, and every time he remembered Darkwing's face disfigured by the insanity of her other half, another question settled in the corner of the mech's processor.

There was no doubt that femme hated him with every fiber of her body, but he simply couldn't understand why. Everything he felt was just one giant pile of mess, even if he tried to push this feeling down by working until he was on the verge of total exhaustion.

So he did. He worked without end, while in the back of his mind, the questions chased each other with the same enthusiasm, making him remember every word she said in their last conversation.

One part, this secret was quite rational. Their "perfect" society wouldn't let this big defect stay, it was hard to keep the femme as his servant even with her damaged wings. Not like he cared about those appendages, his priority was on finding an attendant who can follow his every order perfectly. And the femme always did a good job, except when she had those accidents, by falling off the stairs more than regularly.

Soundwave's digits stopped on the keypad when the recognition struck him.

She said they hit her.

The other servants wouldn't dare to hit her, the fight between them was deeply forbidden and punished severely. But then the only ones who could do it were... 

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