Silent embrace

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On the deck of the Nemesis, the workers and the soldiers hurriedly leaned to the wall, leaving place to the Third in Command to walk past them with rumbling, fast pedsteps like a little tornado what destroy everything in it's way.

Nobody understood what striked him to be like this.

Soundwave didn't need to hear the details, it was enough him to know his mate got injured in the last with the Autobots to make him frightened.

He should have gone after her when she sent the alarm, not Megatron, but their leader insisted, and somebody had to stay on the ship from the commanders.

Maybe if he would went after her... No. The order is an order, he couldn't leave.

The silent mech checked the cameras' records, seeing Darkwing leaving the medbay not long ago, going toward his quarter, so he changed his way to there too. Seeing her walking straight was a good sign, but he had to be sure she is okay. Through the cameras he saw that her wings were lifted, not folded to her back like they naturally do.

Something made her irritated, or even hurt.

When the entrance of his room opened, the mech only saw the darkness inside.

Soundwave wanted to turn around and leave to search for her somewhere else, when he finally heared something from inside. He switched on the lights, and on the edge of the berth, he spotted the little flier with her still fidgeting wings, gazing at the floor. From the sudden light, the femme looked up to him slowly, and on her face, a wide smile appeared.

"Darling..." Her voice wasn't like he imagined it will be.

He stared at her for a moment, playing down the voice record of their leader, while his digits gripped the doorframe.

"TCCK... Darkwing was hurt again" It didn't matter how hard he tried to hold back his emotions, his digits left deep marks on the metal surface.

"I know, I know. But look, I'm okay now." The femme took away her servo to show him the injury on her side. "See?"

Soundwave glared down to her while took a step closer, letting the door close behind him.

She smiled. After what she went through, she still smiled like nothing happened.

The silent mech slowly approached the berth, letting Laserbeak to leave his chassis and fly up to his resting place, as he kneeled down before the femme to take a better look on her injury. He observed her every little movements, thinking about if she just acting tough like always. He leaned closer, putting his digits on the darkgrey and black marks on her side, but Darkwing didn't let out any sound.

A relieved sigh left the mech, when he became finally sure his dear mate was alright. But this didn't make it right how irresponsible she acted.

Soundwave tilted his forehelm to her tank, hugging her sides.

How could she be so careless? How could she risk getting killed this easily?

The mech's digits slightly shook and a light anger fogged his mind when he remembered how many times she got near to death recently.

"TCCK... Idiot."

It was the easiest way to describe her foolishness.

"I know, but I had to alarm the ship..." Soundwave felt her hands on the top of his helm. "Altough it didn't do anything. They got back Or-... Optimus."

The mech poked her tank gently, testing her reaction, but Darkwing only giggled.

"I'm fine, darling. It's not hurt, Lord Megatron overreacted it a bit."

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