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Chloe's point of view

I was walking back to the apartment after going out to see my niece Elena. Nina decided to stay longer since she knew we were having dinner at her apartment later with Yelena, Emily, Kara and Lena. I wonder how Ryan is and if he had a good time with Chicago. As I was walking Kara and Lena joined me, we were passed by fire trucks and ambulances with their lights and sirens going, and at first, I thought nothing of it but as we got closer to the building, we saw smoke and we started running.

We got to the front of the building and were stopped by police from getting any closer. Yelena made her way to me, then left to get an update, then came back to me with Emily.

,,Yelena!" I say to her. ,,Have you seen Chicago or Ryan outside?"

,,No, but I'll go check what happened." I nod while I grab my phone that starts to ring. She walks towards the officers to get information. It doesn't take long for her to return.

,,Did you get any news?" I ask her.

,,Yes, a fire has been started in the building but there are still people trapped inside and the building is starting to collapse." I start crying.

,,Did they say who was trapped?" She shakes her head.

,,No but they are trying to figure that out." She looks at Emily, who looks at me sadly now.

,,Chloe, Beca went inside to go get Ryan." Emily tells me, out of breath.

,,What?!" I yell.

,,I'm going inside, don't worry." Yelena tells me.

,,Please be careful." Emily says and kisses her on her cheek. She nods and then makes her way to the front. She is startled by a small figure with a towel over his body. I recognized him immediately. Ryan! Yelena gestures for one of the officers to bring Ryan back to me now. Yelena watches me hug Ryan before she goes inside. As if on cue Chicago makes his way up the sidewalk with his newest girlfriend looking like he didn't do anything wrong. I hand Ryan over to Kara to hold then I walk over to him barely keeping it together with Emily in tow, trying to keep me from doing anything rash.

,,Chicago, where the fuck have you been? You were supposed to be watching Ryan. You were the one who begged me to let you watch him." I scream in his face.

,,Woah, woah, calm down Chloe. What's the issue?" I want to slap him in the face but Emily beats me to it.

,,There's been a fire in the building. Ryan just got out and Yelena is now inside to rescue Beca." Finally, Chicago looks at the building and realizes it's on fire and doesn't know how to react. Before Emily or I can say anything, Yelena comes back to us.

,,Did you find her?" I ask her. Yelena looks at Chicago now.

,,Chicago? What are you doing outside? Shouldn't you be spending the day with Ryan?" She's obviously confused.

,,I just went out for half an hour. Ryan was busy, I didn't think it would matter."

,,You know this goes against your parole by endangering a child." Yelena says, crossing her arms. Chicago starts stuttering now.

,,What? But I didn't start the fire. How am I at fault?"

,,You left a minor unattended in an apartment for an undetermined amount of time, that is child endangerment and abandonment. Now, I will go over and get one of the officers to take you in because I don't have time to deal with you now." I look between them.

,,If you think I'm ever letting you watch Ryan alone again, you are delusional and I'm going to file for full custody." Yelena gestures for an officer to come over.

,,Arrest him, he is in violation of his parole, by willingly endangering a child, along with child abandonment." " The officer nods and handcuffs Chicago. I go back to my question now.

,,Yelena, did you find her?" Yelena nods, ignoring Chicago further, letting him be taken away by the officer.

,,I did and she's alive but she's trapped. I'm going back to try and help." She makes her way back to the building, but just as she's close, she has to make a quick turn around because the building collapses with an explosion.

" She makes her way back to the building, but just as she's close, she has to make a quick turn around because the building collapses with an explosion

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Emily and I let out a scream. First, we saw Yelena run back toward us, but then we lost sight of her because of all the smoke from the explosion. Both Emily and I drop to the ground, screaming 'Beca, no!' and 'Yelena, no!' at the top of our lungs. Emily and I hold each other crying and waiting for news on our loved ones.

Growing pains ( Sequel to Life changes )Where stories live. Discover now