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I still can't believe that Chloe and I are now engaged. It seems that after all of the time we lost things are finally starting to fall into place for us. We had looked for a new house to move into for when the new baby is born, Ryan and I have gotten closer and really bonded, Chloe and I are closer than ever and to top it off I'm pregnant with the newest member of the growing Beale-Mitchell clan. Chloe and I haven't discussed whose last name to take yet so for now the baby is getting both. I love that Chloe and I get to keep this little bundle of joy a semi-secret from the family now seeing as the only people that know about it are Emily, Emma and Ryan.

I decided today that I would take Chloe and Ryan out shopping so together we can start picking things up for the baby. In order to avoid the paparazzi I rented out an entire baby store at the mall and got us to be let in through the back entrance of the store. The first thing Ryan did when we got there was run over to the toys to start looking for a stuffed animal for his sister. Chloe just giggled and shook her head while starting to follow after him. I stopped her by grabbing her hand and pulling her back to me then I whispered in her ear.

,,Let him go Chlo, we've got clothes to shop for. I know you're dying to pick out some outfits for little Grace." I rub my stomach. Her eyes light up at this and she drags me over to the clothes. After about an hour we have more than enough clothes to outfit at least three little girls, but I don't care because as long as Chloe is happy then I'm happy. We make our way throughout the store picking out a changing table, a rocking chair, a new baby bed, and other pieces of furniture to help fill up the room. Then we finally found Ryan standing in front of the stuffed animals with a row of five lined up in front of him. I walk up next to him and bend down to his level. ,,So, have you made a decision yet little dude?" Ryan looks up at me and shakes his head.

,,Not yet mama, I'm trying to pick the perfect one."

Chloe's point of view

Beca and I had just joined Ryan by the toys and I'm floored by how much he cares about picking the perfect toy for his new sister. My eyes tear up at his response and Beca looks back at me concerned. I shake my head at her to let her know I'm okay, then I watch her continue with Ryan. She ruffles his hair.

,,I'm sure she will love whichever one you pick out, little dude, because it came from you." I quickly wipe away a tear and watch the rest of the interaction. Ryan reaches forward and grabs the elephant then turns around.

,,Can we get her the lelephant?" I smile down at him, he is still learning his animals so his pronunciation of them is a work in progress. Then I pick him up while he is holding the elephant.

,,Of course we can get her the elephant, you made a great pick." Ryan cuddles the elephant close and then we make our way to the register to pay for everything and head out. I look over at Beca who is rubbing her belly with a big smile on her face and mumbling to it. For the larger furniture items we set up to have them delivered to the new house closer to the delivery date so we don't raise any suspicions. The next thing we do is bring out the bags to the car with the help of several workers.

On the ride home we put on Ryan's favorite CD which at the moment is a compilation of Disney songs from his favorite movies. We all sing along the entire way back to the apartment. When we pull up Beca and I agree to split the bags between us. I go over to Ryan.

,,Will you protect your sister's new toy?" He nods excitedly then grabs the new elephant toy in a protective manner.

,,I keep the lelephant safe for sister." I smile proudly at him.

,,That's my boy, now let's get inside before mama starts to get mad." We make our way into the apartment with no problems from the paparazzi and I'm so thankful for that. Beca is already under enough stress at work she doesn't need the added burden of the paparazzi. After we sort everything out and put it away we decide to order a pizza for dinner because neither Beca or I wanted to cook. It took about thirty minutes for the pizza to get there and then as a family we decided to eat in the living room while watching Lion King for the umpteenth time.

Once dinner and the movie were finished Beca said she would clean up while I took Ryan for his bath and got him ready for bed. Thankfully Ryan was tired from our shopping adventure today so he didn't cause any problems during bath time and went straight to bed after being tucked in. I give him a kiss on the head.

,,Sleep well, sweety and happy dreams for you." He nods his head.

,,I dream of playing with my sister." I smile.

,,That's very nice of you. Now, get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning." I make my way out of his room and over to mine and Beca's.

Beca's point of view

I just finished with the dishes and had changed into my pj's and am now waiting for Chloe to come to bed. I'm not going to lie that shopping trip we took today really wore me out, which I'm surprised about seeing as I went on tour for four months while being pregnant, dancing and singing my ass off each night and was never this tired. It could've been the extra adrenaline I had running through me from the crowd but oh well who knows. All I know is now I'm definitely starting to have a baby bump and it's making this whole process more real.

After about five minutes Chloe has made her way into the room and quickly goes to change. Once she is changed she makes her way to the bed and tucks herself in. I'm waiting at the end of the bed for her to notice me standing there. She's just staring up at the ceiling so to get her attention I say.

,,Baby look, I'm showing." I live my shirt and turn to the side showing her my growing stomach. I look back up with a smile on my face but it fades almost immediately when I see Chloe trying to hold back tears. I say her name softly while walking towards her. ,,Chlo? Are you okay?" She shakes her head and blinks away her tears.

,,I'm great." I can tell she's holding something back so I crawl into bed with her and grab her hands.

,,Please talk to me baby and let me know what's going on in that beautiful head of yours."

,,You're going to think it's silly or stupid." She says while looking down at our hands. I bring my hand to her chin and tilt her head so she has to look me in the eye.

,,Don't think that way. Your feelings matter to me, so please tell me." She sighs.

,,Fine. I'm slightly jealous that I'm here for you during your pregnancy but you weren't there for mine when I had Ryan. I know it's wrong for me to think that but I can't help it." I wipe a tear that has fallen from Chloe's eye.

,,It's not wrong at all and trust me I wish I would've been there for you because I can't imagine having to go through this without you, but I can promise that I will need you and your support to get through this."

,,Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Unless you do something really stupid." Chloe says with a small smile.

,,My stupid days are behind me now, get over here and kiss me while you're still attracted to me and we still can have sex before this bump gets too big." I say, then pull Chloe in for a slow and passionate kiss that conveys all of my emotions. Our kiss quickly turns more passionate and we both end the night satiated and with big smiles on our faces as we fall asleep in each other's embrace.

Growing pains ( Sequel to Life changes )Where stories live. Discover now