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☆Beca's point of view☆

I wake up to an empty bed, because Chloe just started to work again. I immediately know something is wrong. There's a pain radiating across my stomach and I feel sick. I slowly ease my way out of bed and stand up to head to the bathroom. That's when I feel it. Blood is running down my leg. My eyes widen in panic and I manage to make it all the way to the bathroom. I quickly lock the door, not wanting Chloe to see me like this and pull down my pants.

,,Shit, this really hurts." I say, as I sit on the toilet. I look down at my underwear and notice a bright red stain in the middle. Immediately I threw up in the trash can next to me. I never could handle the sight of blood. Hoping this is a terrible nightmare, I look again and again, just as much as I need to. Another pain goes shooting through my stomach, but this time much worse and the blood that's coming out is also more. It even feels like something is dropping out of me, but I don't want to think about that. I try to clean myself up afterwards, but all I feel is pain and disappointment. If I lost the baby, I'm a big failure to Chloe. She probably will blame me for losing the baby because I work a lot of hours in the studio. Chloe's going to hate me so much! Thinking about that, I burst out crying and collapsed on the floor, still covered in my blood. I hold my stomach, that's in so much pain and cry my eyes out.

I don't know how long I've been in the bathroom, but I hear a knock on the door and then Emma's voice.

,,Beca, are you in there? I'm here to take you out for the day, remember?" That's right, Emma was supposed to help me buy baby clothes with me. I wanted to buy baby Vans sneakers and baby outfits, with cute little hats. Chloe and I just came up with a name. She was going to be Grace Evelyn Mitchell. I will never get to struggle shoving a car seat into the back of the car or to fight with Chloe over the paint for the nursery. I can never place my hand on my stomach and feel my baby kick. I get nothing. ,,Beca?" Emma's voice makes me come back from my thoughts, but I can't find my voice to react. All I can do is cry. ,,Wait, are you crying? Baby girl, what's wrong?" Baby girl, that's Emma's nickname for me. She used it when we were twelve and eight, but she never stopped using the nickname. ,,I'm coming in." She tells me and I react immediately.

,,No! Please, go home." But she doesn't listen. I see the door slowly opening and a worrying Emma coming through. I can hear her startle when she sees me on the floor with blood around me. She slowly approaches me. I don't want her to see me like this, so I take all my emotions out on Emma. ,,I told you to go home! Now, get out!" I scream, trying to get Emma to leave. It only results in her coming closer and getting down to my level. She runs her hand through my hair and I look at her. ,,Why is there so much blood?" I immediately break down crying and Emma holds me against her.

,,We're going to get you cleaned up and then we will wait and see, okay?" She tells me. ,,I don't want you to panic just yet, okay?" I nod at her and allow her to help me in the shower. While I'm showering, Emma is taking care of the blood. Once I'm finished, Emma walks me to bed. ,,Baby girl, we need to see the doctor at the hospital and you need to tell Chloe." I look up.

,,You want me to tell Chloe I killed our baby?" I ask her.

,,Let's rest and make sure we can get to the hospital when you wake up again, okay?" I nod and let her put me back to bed. I see her walk out the door before falling back asleep.

I don't know how long I have slept when Emma shakes me awake softly again.

,,Baby girl, we need to go to the doctor. I made an appointment to check on you, just to be sure what happened, okay?" I nod my head slowly and start to get out of bed, but I'm not steady so Emma supports me. She helps me into some clothes and then she guides me to her car. We drive in silence and I just stare out the window. I'm completely broken. I keep rubbing my stomach, hoping that this isn't happening. Praying that God won't let this happen to me. Emma is driving quicker than allowed but she doesn't seem to care and I don't either. After Emma parked and locked her car, she guided me to the doctor and we were brought back to a room after we checked in. I get situated on the exam table. Emma moves a chair next to me and holds my hand, rubbing circles on the back of my hand like she used to do when we were younger. Luckily my doctor walks in pretty quick and makes her way over to me.

Growing pains ( Sequel to Life changes )Where stories live. Discover now