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☆Beca's point of view☆

Chloe is getting Ryan dressed and ready for his first day of school while I'm downstairs being a nervous wreck. Today I will be taking Ryan to school as Chloe is ready to go into labor any day now. Chloe has to work at the restaurant this morning but she will be picking him up after school. I packed his lunch and snacks because I don't know what he needs. I mean, he's going to be gone the whole day. I look at the clock and yell upstairs.

,,Chlo, if you don't hurry up dressing Ryan, we are going to be late for school." Ryan comes bounding down the stairs.

,,I'm ready mama, do you like my outfit?" I bend down to pick him up.

,,You look very handsome, little dude. Now, let's get going." Chloe comes down a moment after.

,,And what about my outfit?" I look over at her.

,,Gorgeous, as always, baby." I give her a quick kiss. ,,Good luck at work today, see you with dinner." I wave Chloe goodbye before turning towards Ryan. ,,Alright, let's go before we get in trouble for being late." We are pulling up to Ryan's new school and I see Emma and Arwen already waiting by the front door. I park the car and get out, going around to get Ryan out of his car seat and then I put him on the ground and we walk up to my sister. Arwen is the first to notice. 

,,Hi, aunt Beca, hi Ryan." I pat her head.

,,Hi Arwen, how are you?" 

,,So excited for school and now I get to have class with my cousin." Arwen says with a big smile and pulls Ryan in for a hug. Emma looks over to me.

,,How cute are they? And how are you doing little sis?" I sigh. 

,,To be honest, I'm freaking out. I'm not ready for this. What if I just take him to work with me, how is Chloe gonna know?" Emma laughs.

,,Beca, you can't keep Ryan from school. Come on you and Chloe agreed, remember? It will be good for him." I try to avoid her face knowing she's right. I run my hands through my hair.

,,It's just one more day, I'm not ready to leave him for a whole day yet." 

,,Beca, what do you do when you're away at work for the day?" Emma says with her hand on my shoulder. 

,,FaceTime Chloe whenever I feel like it, so I can see him." I say with a shy smile and play with my hands. Emma sighs again.

,,Well that has to change now since Chloe is back to work too, and there is only so much you can do from home." I know she's right but I just can't do it. 

,,Nope, I can't do it. We will try again tomorrow, Ryan come on we're going to the studio for the day. If you don't tell mommy, I'll get you ice cream." We head back to the car and I bring Ryan to the studio with me and like I promised I bought him ice cream.

☆Chloe's point of view☆

It's been great working at the restaurant again. As weird as that sounds, it's been amazing being back at work, it gives me a break from all the domestic bliss we have been having and I'm still worried about how Beca is going to do with the drop off. The only good thing is I told Emma that Beca was taking care of drop off so that she can look out for Beca and make sure it goes smoothly.

Halfway through my work I get a text from Emma. 

Emma 😎: Be prepared to receive a call from the school and to have a talk with my sister. 

Chloe 🐞: What did she do now?

Emma 😎Oh no, I'm not getting in the middle of it. I did what you asked and tried to be there for her but it didn't go well.

Chloe 🐞Well thanks for the heads up, and for trying. I send back and get back to work.

Another hour goes by with making schedules and being there for my employees when I get a call from the school, I put my work down and answer the phone. 

Hello, we are looking for Ms. Chloe Beale. A nice voice comes through the phone. 

This is she, how can I help you?

We just wanted to inform you that your son Ryan never showed up for school today

So, I have been told, thank you for letting me know. I will be addressing the issue tonight and Ryan will be in school tomorrow, I promise. Is there anything else I can help you with today? 

No, that is all we just wanted to keep you informed, have a great day. 

The secretary says and then we hang up. I go out of my office to the floor where my employees are working, let Jade know everything is okay and that I will be available from my home office for the rest of the day if she needs anything. Now I just have to figure out how to deal with Beca when I get home. I get home first and take a quick shower and change while deciding how I'm going to talk to Beca about today. I hear the front door unlock and slow footsteps make their way through the house. I yell from upstairs simply saying.

,,Beca can you come upstairs please."

☆Beca's point of view☆

Ryan and I are sneaking into the house trying to be quiet. Unfortunately I hear Chloe call me from upstairs. 

,,I'll be right up Chloe." I yell back. I turn to Ryan. ,,Don't worry, little dude. I'll take care of it, you go ahead and play." I take off my coat and make my way up to our room, I take a deep breath and then open the door reluctantly and stay by the door.

,,Care to tell me why I got a call from the school today telling me that Ryan didn't show up?" Chloe asks in a calm voice with her arms crossed in front of her. I avoid her eyes trying to come up with an excuse.

,,Well, you see, we got there and Ryan said he didn't feel well so I brought him home." I'm hoping she buys the lie. Chloe stands up.

,,Oh no, my baby boy. Is he okay? What's wrong? I should go check on him." Now I'm starting to feel guilty.

,,He's fine, Chlo. Don't worry, I took care of it." 

,,Oh, I know he's fine Emma already gave me a heads up. So, tell me Beca, what happened?" Chloe asks now, making her way towards me. I look up at her eyes.

,,First, I'm going to kill Emma and second, you're gonna laugh at me if I tell you." Chloe now puts her arms around my neck.

,,I promise not to laugh now please tell me, I mean we talked about this." I put my head in her neck.

,,I couldn't do it, Chlo. I saw him ready to go and Arwen was there, saying she was excited to have him in class with her, but I just couldn't let him go. I thought I was ready but I couldn't do it, I'm sorry. I promise tomorrow I will not keep him from school." She lets out a sigh, pulls back a bit and holds my face in her hands.

,,Aw Becs, it's okay to be nervous to let him go on his own. I was the same way when Ryan was born and I was leaving him with my siblings and family so I could work. But it will get easier I promise."

,,How do you do it? I just love him so much and don't want to be without him." I say with tears starting to fall from my eyes. Chloe wipes them away.

,,Don't cry, babe. It will get easier, I promise, and don't worry tomorrow we will bring him together okay? That way we can send him off to his real first day together." I nod.

,,I think I would like that and I'm sure Ryan would be happy about that too. Now, can we please go make dinner and then go to bed? Today has been an emotional day." Chloe gives me a quick kiss.

,,Of course, babe. Now, let's go see the little man."

Growing pains ( Sequel to Life changes )Where stories live. Discover now