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Beca's point of view

I have been working non-stop for the past week trying to schedule things for Ryan's birthday. To this day I still feel bad about walking away from Chloe's apartment that day when I saw Chicago behind her. As a way to make up for it I've been trying to make the best party ever for a three year old. Since he isn't in school yet or at a daycare he doesn't have many friends so the guest list would only be family and the Bella's. That was easy enough since Arwen and Ryan were so close and they looked after Sophie too. Getting the rest of the siblings on board was the easy part. The hard part was hiding the surprises from Chloe and Ryan. Especially since we were having it at Emma's house and that's where they were staying.

I was finalizing the plans on my laptop when Chloe popped into my office. I had been hiding out at the studio to make sure everything stays a secret.

,,What brings you to my office today?" I say with a smile, while placing my hands under my chin. Chloe starts walking towards my desk.

,,Do I need to have a reason to visit my gorgeous girlfriend at work?" I smile back at her.

,,Normally no, but when I know you're supposed to be working then yes. You do need to explain yourself, missy." Chloe now sits on my lap, so I shut my laptop so she can't see the plans.

,,Well, you've been very secretive this last week and I can't help to wonder why?" I roll my eyes.

,,There's a reason for that Chlo." She wraps her arms around my neck.

,,Does this have anything to do with Ryan's birthday?" I avoid eye contact because I know I can't lie to her.

,,Perhaps, but that's all I'm going to say." She throws her head back and sighs.

,,But I want to know, he's my child so I feel like you should tell me." I laugh back at her.

,,Because you're his mother is the exact reason why I won't tell you. I don't want you to ruin the surprises I have lined up." She feigns hurt.

,,Rebeca Mitchell are you saying I can't keep secrets?" I nod back at her.

,,First, do not pull out my full name it makes me feel like I am being punished. Second, I know you can't keep secrets no matter how hard you try. And third, because I still feel like I ruined Ryan's birthday last year when I walked away from him so I want it to special for both of you." Chloe pulls me in for a kiss.

,,You are truly one of the sweetest people I have ever met and I'm so glad to have you back in my life." I keep her close.

,,The same to you Chlo. Now, as much as I love you surprising me at work, I need to go back to finalizing the party plans and you need to get to work. I will see you later."

,,Please promise me you didn't go crazy, he is only turning three, Beca." Chloe states before she leaves my office.

,,That's for me to know and you to find out." I yell after her. Once Chloe leaves I go back to my planning and make a few calls to verify everything is ready for tomorrow.

After about two hours of work I tell Sutton I am taking off the rest of the day for personal reasons. She doesn't question me and I'm off on my way to go pick up some of the party supplies and Ryan's gift. I make my way to the toy store and pick out Ryan's gift which is a giant Red Panda stuffed animal that doubles as a bean bag chair so he can relax in it while watching movies. His other present is already at Emma's, waiting for Ryan to open it. As I'm bringing it to my car I'm starting to second guess it because I'm not sure it will fit in my car. I fight with it for a few minutes before I'm able to get it in with all the other party supplies in my car. I call Emma on my way to her house to check if Chloe or Ryan are there or not.

Growing pains ( Sequel to Life changes )Where stories live. Discover now