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☆Chloe's point of view☆

It's been a few months since Aubrey divorced Stacie and she hasn't been the same since. I feel really bad for her because she did everything in her power to make Stacie happy and give her anything she asked for and in return, she gets cheated on. Thankfully since Aubrey was a lawyer she made sure to have Stacie sign a prenup; meaning since Stacie cheated on her she wouldn't receive any of her money. That is so far the only good thing that has come out of this divorce. Initially, when I heard about their divorce I had thought about setting her and Emily up together because they had always had a close bond, and I thought they would be a cute couple. But then Yelena came into the picture and ended that idea since they are adorable together. So now we are trying to get her back in the dating game but it's proving harder than I expected.

,,Aubrey it's been several months now you can't keep thinking about her, it's time to move on." I say, trying to get her to see it's time to go out.

,,Chloe it's not that easy. She was the love of my life and then she just ripped my heart out like it was nothing to her." Aubrey says, trying to hold back sobs.

,,You're so much better than her though, and trust me there is someone out there that is going to treat you the way you deserve and love you for you. But you won't find them if you keep throwing yourself into work and denying the possibilities of finding new love." I say with a smile while holding her hand.

,,I guess you have a point, but it's been so long I don't even know how to talk to other people in that way anymore." Aubrey says, letting out a sigh.

,,Well we could always ask Beca for help if you want advice since she has a way of getting girls." I let out a laugh, knowing this would set Aubrey off.

Beca walks into the room now and kisses me on the cheek.
,,I heard my name, what is it you need help with?" Aubrey sends a glare my way.

,,Chloe thinks you could help me in terms of finding someone new to date." Beca looks down.

,,I mean since Stacie turned out to be a terrible partner I guess I do owe you. Also since clearly my skills speak for themselves since I was able to get Chloe twice."

,,Thanks so much for bringing me into this but in my defense, I never stopped loving you so the second time doesn't count." I say then kiss her cheek.

,,Alright enough already you said you brought me here to try and help me get into a new relationship not rub yours in my face." Aubrey says with a sigh.

,,You're right I'm sorry Aubrey, so what is it you're looking for in a partner." I ask her trying to change the mood.

,,I don't even know anymore, I mean with Stacie she just came out of nowhere and I was swept off my feet because she treated me differently than anyone else and just made me feel special. I guess I just want someone to look at me the way Beca looks at you and wants to treat me well." Aubrey says now looking at me.

,,Not to be rude but Chloe, did you think about Serena? I mean since you and she are friends now and you know what she's like I mean for god's sake she still helped you and I get back together even though she and I were still dating." Beca says with an awkward smile to her.

,,How could I forget about Serena? Now I feel stupid but regardless Aubrey she would be perfect for you." I say now smiling widely at her.

,,No offense but I don't want to have your sloppy seconds Beca." Aubrey says now.

,,Woah, now hold on Aubrey, Serena would be perfect for you. She's hard-working, determined, caring, has her own money so you don't need to worry about her taking yours, and most importantly she is mentally stable." Beca says with a smile.

Growing pains ( Sequel to Life changes )Where stories live. Discover now