𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭

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It was late at night in the city of London. I was out of breath and limping from my injuries from my fight with some dogs. I was just minding my business when some stray dogs decided to attack me. I managed to get away and burn them to flames but they got me good. I have bite and claw marks that were bleeding on my torso and my right arm was dislocated.

'I need to make a contract soon,' I thought as I continued to limp in the city. It's been a while since I made a contract with someone and I don't like taking the soul of just anyone unless they deserve it or I'm just starving but sweets usually curve my appetite.

As I was walking I heard footsteps coming from an alley nearby. I started growling and hunching my back out of defense cause I thought it was another dog or animal but it was a man that stepped out of the alley. As he stepped out of the alley he stepped in the light from a light pole, so I was able to see how he looked.

When I looked at him I immediately stopped growling and relaxed a little bit. He was a tall man that had black hair and red eyes. He had a chiseled chin and his skin was pale and smooth like a pearl. He looked to have a butler's attire on and was carrying some bags.

'Dayum he's hot,' I thought blushing hard, thank god he couldn't see with my grey fur covering my cheeks. He looked down at me 

"Hmm I thought I sensed a demon but it's just a kitten," he said and stepped closer to me. I limped away a little, from him still on my guard until he bent down, setting the bags down gently. "Don't worry little kitten, I won't hurt you," extending his hand out.

I limped towards his hand and could smell the man's cologne of a masculine rose scent, but there was a familiar scent like a demon. I leaned and nuzzled my face into his hand. He started petting me more and I purred, enjoying it.

"So cute," I heard the man say. I started feeling lightheaded and tired from the blood loss from the bites and scratches. I laid down on the cobblestone sidewalk as he looked at me with a concerned look.

"Are you hurt," he asked. 'Yes,' I said but it came out as a weak meow. He then picked me up gently. I was meowing out of protest but the man softly petted me. "Shh it's ok you're in good hands, once you are healed you can leave if you want," he said as he started walking down the sidewalk. Once he said that I fully relaxed in his arms and I rested my head on his shoulder. The fatigue hit me and I ended up blacking out.

. . .

I woke up on what looked to be a king-size bed with black covers and sheets neatly tucked. I felt a little weak but a lot better compared to last night. I noticed bandages were wrapped around my torso up to my neck and hind legs and my right arm wasn't dislocated but still hurt to move around. I looked around the room to see the walls a dark blue color with borders that had black-designed borders on the wall. I walked up to the foot of the bed to get down when I saw that there was a mini black couch that I sat on and observed the room.

The floor was a dark oak color that matched the dark theme of the room. To the front of me were a door and a grandfather clock that matched the floor. On either side of the bed were widows that were as tall as the wall and had black nightstands. To the left of the bed were a wardrobe and a door that probably led to a bathroom. To the right of the bed were two bookshelves that were flushed against walls in the back corner. Next to the bookshelf was a desk. The desk, bookshelves, and grandfather clock matched the color of the floor.

In all the room looked really good and was neatly cleaned, like no one lived in here. I then heard the door open to reveal that handsome man that saved me last night. "Ahh, you're awake," he said walking up to me. He knelt on one knee and started petting me.

"I'm glad you're feeling better you were out for days," he said. 'What,' I said out of surprise but it came out as a high-pitched meow. He chuckled and started walking back to the door. "You must be hungry, I will be back shortly ok," he said. I nodded and he left the room.

I laid down on the couch and stared at the grandfather clock, seeing that the time was 9:27 then looked out the window to see the sun coming up, letting me know it was morning. 'I hope he gets me salmon, my favorite,' I thought as I stared back at the grandfather clock watching the pendulum swaying side to side.

Moments later the man came back with two bowls, one with water and one with... SALMON! I meowed excitedly for the food and he chuckled at my reaction. Once he sat the two bowls on the couch I went straight for the salmon eating like I haven't eaten in weeks not caring who was watching.

"I'm glad that you're enjoying it, something told me to get salmon," he said as he petted me while I continued eating. Once I was done eating the handsome butler continued to pet me which I didn't mind at all and purred snuggling closer to him. "Just perfection," he said.

He then got up and walked back to the door. "Meow," I said wondering where he was going. "Don't worry little one, I will be back I have to tend to my master but I will make sure to have lunch for you, now be a good little kitten, and don't leave this room, ok."

I just laid back down on the couch and wagged my tail slowly back and forth staring at him. "I'm hoping that's a yes," he said. 'Maybe,' I said but came out as a meow, and he closed the door. As I was lying down I started feeling tired and took a well-needed cat nap.


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