𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟰𝟬

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. . . ~ 🍋🍋🍋Lemon 🍋🍋🍋~ . . .

"Sebastian," Mey-rin smiled. "Mey-rin, it's quite late, what is it that you want?" I said with a fake smile. "Oh um, I just went to the kitchen, and Finny, Bard, and I thought we heard [Name] in there but we were wrong.." and after that, I zoned her out. The only thing I could think about was [Name] in my bed and the raging hard-on I was having.

"Sebastiannn~" I heard [Name] whisper. I glanced over at her. She was now standing, naked, smirking at me. She spun around slowly showing off her body to me. She crawled on the bed keeping her eyes on mine. "Hurry up~" she purred. Just to make things harder, her ass was in the air, shaking it, making it jiggle.

I mentally groaned feeling my dick twitch in my pants. I had to rip my eyes from her and back to Mey-rin seeing her still talking and blushing like a mad woman, looking at my abs. I rolled my eyes but said, "Is there a point as to why you're here?"

"Um yes, I wanted to give you your glove back becaus-" "Ah thank you for that, but it is getting late we should get to bed," I said quickly grabbing my glove from her grasp. "Oh yes, well, good night Se-" "Goodnight," I said quickly shutting and locking the door. "Now there shouldn't be any more interruptions," I said, throwing the glove at my desk and taking my pants, underwear, and shoes off.

I quickly crawled on the bed, behind [Name], my eyes fixated on her ass. I smacked it hard, earning a whimper from [Name]. "What is it with you acting like a naughty kitten tonight~" I purred. Rubbing my hand on her cheek, a red handprint of mine started to appear, making her moan from the pain.

"I- I just didn't want Mey-rin to mhmm~ stop us from finishing what we started," [Name] moaned, pushing her ass onto me. "Mmm~ nothing would have stopped me from fucking this pussy, my pussy~" I [said] in her ear, hitting her ass again, another moan from [Name].

I lined the tip of my cock to her entrance. "You ready?" I asked. "Yes~" [Name] purred, pushing herself back, my tip was sliding into her warm, wet walls. "So eager," I chuckled, sliding the rest of myself inside her. Hearing her moan, a sadistic smile appeared on my lips looking down at [Name's] back.

'I can't wait to see her break.'

. . .

[Name] POV

"Fuck~!" I moaned into the pillow. Sebastian was pounding the shit out of me. His nails piercing into my hips, leaving haf crescent moon indents that broke the skin. It felt so good my head was getting foggier and foggier as he fucked me relentlessly.

"[Name] you feel so good, you know that~" he groaned against my neck, pushing his chest into my back. I could only moan in the pillow in response. With my back being arched more Sebastian kept hitting my g-spot over and over. The delicious pleasure that followed brought me closer to the edge.

"So close~" I moaned, somehow, and lifted my head from the pillow. "Me too~" I heard Sebastian moan in my neck. His hand went down to my clit doing circles around the bundle of nerves. I started shaking violently before he bit into my shoulder. That was the final push.

I screamed, my eyes rolling to the back of my head at the pleasure coursing through my body. Sebastian groaned against my shoulder, still biting my shoulder, as his hips went still, cumming inside me. We stayed still for a bit calming down, until Sebastian slowly slid out of me.

I flopped onto my back in a daze and felt Sebastian's hands going up and down my body, massaging it a little. I closed my eyes at the soothing feeling, on my sore muscles. His hands went higher until he gently grabbed my chin. I opened my eyes and saw him smiling down at me

"You're so beautiful," he said. I smiled, feeling my cheeks heating up. "And you're a handsome devil yourself," I said. He chuckled before leaning down, placing his lips on top of mine in a slow passionate kiss. I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his hips, I pulled him closer to me, practically putting most of his weight on me, apart from some of it on his arms that were on the sides of my head. The kiss felt good, too good.

I know I should stop, my body is telling me to but my mind is saying to keep going on with this ongoing pleasure. I can't help but listen to the latter. "More. I want more," I said between kisses. I started grinding on Sebastin's cock feeling it getting semi-hard. Sebastian groaned, his hips moving with mine.

My fingers grazed down against his flushed, sweaty abs and his nipples, feeling them perk up. "Please, fuck me again," I said, my legs pulling his hips closer to mine, his tip just at my entrance. He chuckled shifting his weight on his knees and realigned his tip at my pussy. "Now how can I say no to you~" he said, his eyes glowing fushia.

We both moaned as he thrust himself inside me, making me feel full. His thrust was slow, but with every thrust, I felt every bump, every ridge, every vein, of his member, it was almost overwhelming. He pressed his forehead against mine, his red wine eyes boring into my golden ones.

His eyes were blown out and his cheeks flushed red, sweat dripping down his forehead. "[Name]" Sebastian said, bringing his right hand to caress my cheek, his thumb across my bottom lip. "You're~ mhmm~ you're so damn perfect~" he moaned before kissing me.

Sebastian slid his tongue through my lips, our tongues were rolling over one another. The kiss got so intense I couldn't even call it kissing anymore, he was fucking my mouth again but with his tongue. It was dizzying.

He rolled his hips so his pelvis was rubbing, against my clit, every thrusted hitting my g-spot. I moaned more and more till my body started trembling, cuming. Sebastian didn't stop his thrusts, only going a little faster. I could feel Sebastain smiling against my lips.

"Fuck yes, Sebastian~ faster, faster don't fuckin' stop~" I cried in pleasure. His pace quickened as he moved my legs from around his hips to his shoulders. "Shitt~" I moaned loudly. With the new position, Sebastian was reaching deeper inside me. He kissed my neck making sure to get the good spots, while his pace increased more, pounding into me while gripping my hips tightly.

I clenched harder around Sebastian, quickly getting closer and closer to cumming again. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, Fuccck~" I cried out, gripping the sheets cumming. His cock was pulsating hard, his thrust getting more and more sloppy but he still hasn't cummed yet.

"Seba- ahh~ nggnn ohhfuuck~" I babbled, hell I couldn't even think straight as Sebastian kept fucking me, chasing after his orgasm. I clawed down his back as tears went down my cheeks. "Yes, yes, so close~" he mumbled against my neck. His hips went still as he moaned in my neck, cumming.

Sebastian then plopped on top of me, our sweaty bodies pressed against each other, panting, tired. Though exhausted, I felt light as a feather. Sebastian started pecking up my neck, to my cheek, smiling down at me. "You are so beautiful, you know that,~" he cooed.

All I could do was giggle as I was still in a daze. Sebastian chuckled as well but leaned closer to my lips placing soft, gentle kisses. He shifted our bodies so I was laying my head on top of his chest. He continued to shower me with kisses while whispering praises and sweet nothings in my ear.

"Do. you want. To. take a bath," he asked while still kissing me. I did, I did but I was so tired and am on the rift of falling asleep any minute now. "No," I started nuzzling into his chest. "Too tired, tomorrow." "Ok," he chuckled. We continued cuddling until I fell into a blissful sleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now