𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟭

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Ciel and Sebastian went out to the town to run some errands, while they basically made me stay here at the manor with the other servants and Grell. Said that they didn't want the manor to get destroyed. Just to make that easier on me I made the servants and Grell go outside and help Finny work in the backyard, with Tanaka on supervision of course. I stayed in the manor cleaned the rooms and did the laundry and let Kuro and Yuki roam the manor for a while. Once I was done I went to check on how the other servants were doing.

I went outside to the flower garden but didn't see them. I walked around looking for them but also looking at the different flowers that were blooming in the garden and seeing Ciel's favorites of course(white roses). I then saw Finny and Mey-rin pulling some weeds in the area behind the garden and down some stairs. "Hey guys how's it coming," I asked, walking down to where they were. Then all of a sudden I heard Mey-rin scream.

My mouth was agape looking at the monstrosity. All the hedge bushes were cut into skulls. "Why, are they shaped, in skulls?" I asked with a smile, trying not to let too much of my anger out. They all looked at me with dread in their eyes. "He did it!" Mey-rin, Finny, and Bard shouted pointing at Grell. When I looked at him he had even more dread in his eyes looking like his soul was about to leave his body.

"No, not again, I'm sorry [Name], I've made another unacceptable mistake!" he said on his knees. "I can't go any longer!" he shouted as he climbed up a ladder and was about to hang himself. I didn't do anything just thinking how the heck was there already a rope tied ready for him, but the other servants got him down even though it almost killed the guy.

"How about we take a break? It's close to tea time anyway, yeah," I said. They all nodded and we went back to the manor, in the kitchen to make a snack and some tea. We were eating and then we heard a knock at the door. I went to the door and was greeted by a young lady.

She had bright green eyes and blonde hair with two spiral pigtails. She had on a lovely orange dress with an orange bow in her hair to match. "Oh hello who are you and where's Ciel?'' she said walking past me. "Hello, my name is [Name]. I am the head maid of this manor and Ciel is out on errands but will be back shortly," I informed the girl. "May I ask who are you?" I asked kindly.

"Yes, my name is Elizabeth Midford and Ciel's fiancée," she said. Then as if a literal light bulb went off in my head I knew exactly who she was. "Ah yes lady Elizabeth, Ciel has told me a lot about you and you're much more adorable in person," I complimented. "Why thank you," she said with a bright smile.

"But I don't remember being informed that you would be coming, I would have made some tea and scones or-" I was saying but got cut off. "Don't worry about that this was a little surprise visit for Ciel," she said which I nodded. That's when all the other servants came out and greeted lady Elizabeth with a warm welcome except for Grell.

"Now let's decorate this place to make it look all cute," she said with sparkles in her eyes. "I'm sorry whAATT!" I said but Elizabeth dragged the six of us down the hall to do whatever she wanted to do.

. . .

"There, now you look so cute," Elizabeth said. First off she touched my hair but I'll put that past me because of who she is. Anyway, she put my hair in two pigtails and put cat ears (fitting) on the top of my hair with huge cat paws on my hands. I took so many deep breaths to calm myself so I wouldn't kill this child. "Now for the finishing touch." 'Great what now' I thought as I closed my eyes taking yet another deep breath.

Then I felt something on my neck. I opened my eyes to see a choker collar. "Wait-," I said but it was too late. She tightened the collar on my neck and a stifled moan came out but I don't think Elizabeth noticed. "There now you look perfect, let's go to the others shall we," she said, satisfied with how I looked. "Yes, my lady," I said, trying not to sigh as we left the room to get back to the other servants. What I wasn't expecting was for Ciel and Sebastian to be back so soon.

"Cielll!" Lady Elizabeth yelled running to Ciel engulfing him in a hug. "Thank goodness you are back," I said walking up to Sebastian. Sebastian didn't say anything but was staring at me. "What?" "Nothing, this is just very interesting to wear," he said, looking at well everything but more so at my neck. "Well lady Elizabeth insisted I have it on," I said. "Oh I forgot something [Name], could you come closer," she asked. I bent to her level and she clipped a black leather leash to the choker.

"There! Cuter no," Lady Elizabeth said to Sebastian. "Yes, indeed," said, taking the leash in his hand. He looked at me with a devilish smirk and looked like he wanted to eat me. I felt my body heat and a tingly feeling down there. "And I have a present for you too," Elizabeth said to Sebastian. She then put a pink hat on him with flowers in his hair. Me and the other servants chuckled at how Sebastian looked. He then glared at the servants like he was going to kill them, which made me laugh even more.

They all straightened up but there was no point because they were basically dead meat. "And what are you laughing at," Sebastian said to me. He then pulled the leash of my collar. A soft whimper came out when he tugged on the leash. The tingling came back and a blush was on my cheeks as he was looking into my eyes with this dominating look.

"...nothing," was all I could get out. A smirk slowly appeared on his face, seeming satisfied with my answer. "Good," he said and dropped the leash, and continued on like nothing happened. As for me on the other hand I was a mess and not paying attention. I was in my own thoughts just thinking about one thing... 'that was fucking hot'.

"You come with me. I'm going to make you even cuter than you already are," she said. I didn't even get a chance to ask questions, she just pulled me out of the room dragging me to some other room in the manor.

. . .

"So what exactly are you dressing me up for," I asked sitting at a vanity taking my curly hair out of their ponytails and letting it down, as she was going through the closet. "You weren't listening at all were you," she said. "No, I apologize for that I was... caught up in my thoughts," I said looking at the choker collar that I was wearing on the table now. My cheeks and my body started heating up thinking about Sebastian and how dominant he was and how I wished it continued. I looked up at Lady Elizabeth to see that she had a smirk. "Is there something wrong lady Elizabeth?" I asked. "Oh, there is nothing wrong with me but there might be something going on with you," she said walking up to me.

She cupped my face in her hands and said, "You like someone, perhaps the butler Sebastian." I blushed so hard and shook my head out of her hands. "W-what!? N-no I don't like Sebastian like that," I said all flustered, still blushing. "Please from your reaction I can tell you like him. But he definitely likes you too," she said. I looked at her confused. "The way he was looking at you, he wanted you so badly," she said, now putting me in a dress.

"I don't know, I don't think he likes me, not in that way at least." "Are you sure you know," she asked. I couldn't answer her because I wasn't sure, I'm not sure of my own feelings. "Well there don't you look beautiful, don't you think," she said happily. I looked in the mirror to see myself wearing a light purple tulle dress. I won't lie, I really like the dress, it's something I wouldn't pick but I like the style and the color on my skin. "Now come on let's get the others dressed," dragging me back to where everyone else was.

[I know this isn't the right dress for the time era but I didn't find any photos I liked, plus I feel like Elizabeth would like dresses like these

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[I know this isn't the right dress for the time era but I didn't find any photos I liked, plus I feel like Elizabeth would like dresses like these.]


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now