𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟵

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"Oh my gosh, are you two ok?!" I asked as I ran to them. "O-oh, uh, y-yes ma'am," Mey-rin stuttered out and her face was as red as a tomato. "Mey-rin the letter please," Sebastian said with an annoyed expression since Mey-rin was still sitting on him. "Huh, letter? Oh, yes sir!" Mey-rin shouted. "Letter? What letter?" I questioned as they got up. "This letter right here!" she shouted, fanning the letter around. Sebastian took the letter out of her hands and opened it reading it, with me on the side of reading it as well.

"If you want your master safely, come to Nova Garden Bethnal Green as soon as possible," Sebastian said, reading the last sentence. Sebastian and I looked at each other with serious looks, knowing that we would have to go save Ciel in whatever trouble he is in.

"Sebastian! [Name]!" Finny yelled running down the hall to us with Bard behind him. "What is going on here?" Madam Red said coming down the hall from the other side with Lau "Sorry for the noise my lady. I assure you nothing's wrong," I said to Madam Red. "Nothing, are you sure?" she questioned looking at the broken window.

"Everyone, [Name] and I have business to attend to. Would you mind cleaning this up?" Sebastian said, handing the pie to Bard. Me and Sebastian then walked past everyone, then started running. Sebastian went somewhere else while I went outside looking around the premises and saw a car going down the road. I looked around to see where the hell Sebastian went when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and load and behold it was Sebastian with a closed eye smile.

"Where the hell did you run off to," I said with furrowed eyebrows. "Such foul language, I only went to get a few things. Why, did you miss me?" he teased while holding my chin. "N-no! Gosh, come on let's get the boy and get back to the manor," I said flustered. I blushed, walking away fast, while Sebastian followed behind me chuckling. We then dashed towards the car with the people that caused all this mess.

Once we caught up to the guys they were making a sharp turn but I jumped and clawed the car at the same time Sebastian jumped on the car stopping it on the edge of the cliff. Sebastian took the phone from the two men as they stared at us in fear. More towards me because my cat ears appeared and my demon eyes were staring into their pitiful souls.

"Hello?... I represent the Phantomhive estate and I was wondering if my master is available... Hello?... Is anyone there..." Sebastian said, but the line was still silent. "Woof," we heard Ciel say. "Very good, we will come to get you momentarily," Sebastian said before cutting the line off.

"Thank you for the use of your field telephone. And now there are a few things I'd like to ask you," Sebastian said. "Can you tell us who you work for?" Sebastian asked. The men stammered and I was getting impatient. I growled and their terrified eyes darted at me. "You see, my little kitten isn't patient, and neither am I, and you do remember Humpty Dumpty right?"

"W-we work for Azzour Vanel. He has a hideout in the city, East end!" they finally answered. Sebastian and I chuckled, satisfied with their answer. He jumped off the car but I still had the car clawed. "Good now was that so hard to say? We do apologize for interrupting your work. I will let you go and do have a fun trip," I said and let them go falling off the cliff. The car fell until a big bright blast that was as bright as fireworks.

I yelped as Sebastien picked me up bridal style. "Sebastian what are you doing?!" I said flustered. "Well we have to get going or we'll miss dinner time, so hold on tight," he said before dashing at demon speed. I wrapped my arms tightly to his neck and tucked my head in his neck. He chuckled in my ear and continued running to where Ciel was.

. . .

Once we got to Azzour's mansion, we were bombarded with henchmen. They had guns ready to shoot at us, in which they did, though we easily dodged them. We killed every henchman in sight with Sebastian using silverware and me using my claws.

We then entered a room where Ciel was tied up and beaten with who I'm guessing is Azzour Vanel holding him with a gun pointed at us. "We have come to retrieve our young lord," I said upon entering the room.

Azzour seemed a little shocked that a butler and a maid had dealt with all his henchmen, I guess he was expecting some big tough guy. "Who are you guys anyway? No way you're just a butler and a maid," he said. "No sir. You see, I'm simply one hell of a butler." Sebastian stated. "And I'm one hell of a maid," I stated. "We promise," we both finished saying.

"Hmm sure, I don't intend on fighting you. You just better have what I asked for," he said now pointing the gun at Ciel's head. "Yes, I do," Sebastian said, pulling out an item from his tailcoat. Then Sebastian was shot multiple times by a surprise attack. I then felt an arm wrap around my body and put a knife to my throat. He fell to the ground though I knew he was acting like he was dead.

"Alright, I'm tired of messing around. How much longer are you going to play dead?" Ciel asked Sebastian. "Not long," Sebastian said as he got up like nothing happened.

"Guns today are much more efficient than they used to be. Wouldn't you agree, [Name]?" "Most certainly." He then got the bullets that were shot at him and threw them at the people that shot him killing them. He then dashed to the person that had a knife to my neck. "Now get your disgusting hands off my kitten," he said and killing the guy. Azzour looked terrified but stood his ground and still had the gun to Ciel's head.

"No! Stay back! I-if you come any closer I will shoot him!" Azzour shouted as we walked closer to him and Ciel. "Can we hurry this along? His breath smells awful," Ciel said, unfazed by the situation. I chuckled at his comment on the guy's breath. "But if we come any closer he might kill you," I said. "Are you two breaking my contract," Ciel said. "Of course not," we both said at the same time.

"Then this is an order! Save me now!" he ordered to us. "No, it's over!" Azzuro shouted before pulling the trigger. The bullet came out but it didn't hit Ciel, instead, Sebastian caught it. "What but that's impossible," Azzuro said, looking confused as to why Ciel was still alive. "Are you looking for this? Here let me give it back," Sebastian said, standing next to him, dropping the bullet into his pocket.

Then I twisted his arm like it was putty, so Sebastian could get Ciel. "No, wait! You two work for me, be my bodyguards! I-I can get you money, jewelry, women, men, whatever you want!" he shouted. "An attractive offer but we're not interested in materialistic things. But like we said before, I'm one hell of a maid." "And I am one hell of a butler," We said, looking at him with our demon eyes.

"Besides, I already have my eyes on someone," Sebastian said. I side-eyed him to see him with his all-knowing devilish smirk but kept his eyes on Azzour. Sebastian glanced at me, as our demonic fuchsia eyes looking into one another's for a moment, but Sebastian looked back at Azzour. 'Is he talking about me,' I thought as I kept looking at him blushing a little but quickly shook my head getting back to being serious.

The room became darker and darker as I walked up to the frightened man. "Unfortunately for you this game is over," Ciel said to Azzuro before I took his soul.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now