𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟲

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I walked down the halls to find the guest on the telephone like he said he would be. I listened to his conversation and it was like Ciel told me but it sounded like he was working with someone else. 'He sounds so confident in his plan, but he doesn't know that it's going to crumble and fail' I thought with a smirk plastered on my lips.

I open the door a little making it creak, scaring him a bit. He looked back and examined the hallway but couldn't see anyone because it was so dark but I was also invisible. After hanging up the phone he walked back to the room. I noticed that he was staring at the family portrait, specifically at the man. I floated to the portrait and changed my face to a white face with black empty eye sockets remembering one of the tiles in the game "bewitched by the eyes of the dead"

He looked frightened but rubbed his eyes like he was seeing things. I went back to being invisible and whispered the tile but in Ciel's voice. He then walked through the manor trying to find that room again but failed and got lost. While he was walking I did little things that made the area have an ominous feeling. The more I did the more scared he was.

I then saw Sebastian and went to him, turning visible to him. "Oh why hello [Name]." "Hey Sebastian do you think you can help me with something," I asked "Sure what is it." I then whispered my plan to him and when I was done he had a smirk on his face. "As you wish m'lady," he said, making me grin mischievously.

. . .

In the end, the guest broke his leg and was burnt to a crisp, but managed to escape alive just like the young lord wanted. "Mama MIAAA!" he screamed, limping away. I sat outside watching the whole thing laughing my ass off, content with my work. "I think you will definitely enjoy your stay at the Phantomhive manor," I heard Sebastian say, walking to where I was and sitting next. "Yes, I most certainly will," I said, staring at him and he was doing the same to me. 

We stayed like that for a while, not breaking eye contact and not saying a word. "Well it's getting late, we should head to bed no?" I said. "Yes, but I have a few more things to do before I retire for the night," he said getting up. "Is it a lot," I said, keeping the conversation going as we walked back into the manor. "Not at all just...," and then he listed all the things he needed to do, which was a lot, at least to me.

"That's a lot and you have to be done by tomorrow," "Yes, every night," "Every night!" I shouted, astonished. "Then you're one hell of a butler," I commented. "Indeed I am," he said with a big smirk. It gave off cockiness but I will let it slide this time since he can actually back it up.

"Let me help," I said. "That's alright, you should get some rest for tomorrow," "But I incist, might as well get used to the chores to do around the manor, plus I would be bored," I said. I was waiting for his answer but we were in our little staring contest again.

"Alright, you can straighten some of the rooms while I put the young lord to bed," Sebastian said. I responded with an 'ok' and started walking to the room where Ceil and his guest were playing the board game and went from there.

. . .

After a while of cleaning the rooms while Sebastian went and did the outside work I finished and went to the kitchen to see if there was something sweet to eat. I entered the kitchen to see Sebastian washing some dishes, probably from dinner. "You know most of the chores can be done tomorrow, right?" I asked, walking towards him. He turned his head, noticing my presence, and gave me a small smile.

"Well, what's wrong with a little busy work," he said, continuing to clean the dishes. "You sure love to keep yourself busy, is there a reason for it?" "Not in particular. I guess the same reason as you, so I won't get bored," he said. "Hmm," "Is there a reason why you came to the kitchen," he asked, finishing the dishes.

"Well, I was hoping that there was something sweet I could eat." "There is some lemon meringue pie left over," he said. My eyes sparkled like a kid getting a new toy. He chuckled and said to wait by the table while he went to get the pie. I sat at the table and didn't wait long for Sebastian to come back with the pie. He cut me a slice and it tasted so good.

Sebastian then sat in a chair next to me which I wasn't expecting. "Is there something else you need me to do?" I asked, still eating the pie. "Not at all I just wanted to talk to you, to get to know you... and so you will know what to do as a maid," "Ok," I said and we started talking.

. . .

We'd been sitting and talking for hours, so long that half of the delicious pie was gone due to me. He kept on complaining and telling me stories about how poorly the other servants do their job but they honestly sound like a fun bunch. I couldn't help but laugh at some parts, which made Sebastian either smile or chuckle with me. We talked about other things like our likes, dislikes, hobbies, and more, just laughing and joking throughout the night.

While talking we somehow got really close to each other. Our legs were touching, his hand was on my thigh, and we kept eye contact the entire time. "I have never met a demon that loves cats as you do," I said while chuckling. "I have never met a demon who likes sweets as you do." "What can I say? I have a big sweet tooth and it's delicious," I said while taking another bite of my 4th slice of pie. "Really?" he said, inching his hand up my thigh to my waist "Yeah, didn't you make it? Did you not taste it?" I asked, eyeing his hand, smirking.

"No, but maybe I should," he said in a seductive tone, putting a finger under my chin, and lifting my gaze back to him.  He was looking me in the eyes, with his gaze flicking to my lips. "Yeah maybe you should," I whispered as he pulled me in by the waist. We leaned into each other closing the gap more and more until...


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