𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟲

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After everyone ate lunch, me, Sebastian and Ciel went to the townhouse in London while the rest of the servants stayed and kept an eye on the manor. I just prayed that the manor would be standing in one piece when we get back. By the time we made it to the townhouse, Sebastian was talking about how we can enjoy some peace and quiet now that we were away from the other four.

Oh, how he spoke too soon. When we opened the door to the common room we find Madam Red, Lau, and Grell trashing the room searching the room for something. "What are you doing here?!" Ciel shouted. "Ciel dear you're here earlier than I thought, searching the room for tea," Madam Red said.

"*Sigh* Sebastian, [Name] get some tea for us it's close to tea time anyway," Ciel ordered. "Yes my lord," Sebastian said with a bow and we left for the kitchen. When we made it to the kitchen we saw a selection of teas in a cabinet. I started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Sebastian asked. "It's just, aren't nobles and such suppose to be smart, it's common sense to know that tea would be in the kitchen no?" I said getting some Earl Grey tea. "You would think, humans really are dumb creatures," he said making some type of dessert. "Some are but others are smart," I said a tinged hurt by that comment but he didn't know I was human, half human.

Once I was done with the tea and let it steep I walked over to Sebastian to see him cooking. "Whatcha cooking?" "Pear and Blackberry cornmeal cake," he said. 'Cakee' I thought. "Don't worry I'm making a pear and [fav fruit] cake for you," he said. A smile adorned my face and I got on my tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek and said "Thank you".

He looked towards me surprised by my actions. "Your welcome," he said softly and quickly turned back to what he was doing. I thought it was weird but looking at his cheeks he was blushing. 'Aww he's blushing, guess he's not used to affection,' making me chuckle a little.

"Um could you get started on the tea sandwiches," he asked. "Sure," I said and got started making the sandwiches while eating some. We then were done cooking and Sebastian put my cake up for later. We went back to the common room and served everyone their tea and sandwiches, then they talked about Jack the Ripper.

They only had as much information on the case as the press does so we know nothing. After tea, we went to the crime scene but they didn't have any information either so we went somewhere that I wasn't expecting to go nor Ciel even knew. We were standing outside of Undertaker's shop. We entered the shop and it looked exactly the same though it wasn't that long since I have seen him.

"Welcome, I thought I'd be seeing you before long. My lord, it's lovely to see you," Undertaker said in his strange voice that he does. Honestly, I don't know why he does it when his regular voice is much more sexier.

"Do I have the pleasure of fitting you for one of me coffins today," he said getting out of a coffin. "No that is not why I'm here. I wanted t-" "No need to say I'm already aware, very well aware," he said interrupting Ciel. "One of my recent customers was a bit unusual, shall we say? I helped, though. I made her look beautiful again," he informed us.

"I would like the details," Ciel said. He then said that all he wanted was to laugh and he would give the info we wanted. He then glanced around the room and his... eyes?... bangs? landed on me.

"DEARIE!" he screamed running to me and engulfing me in a hug. "Took you long enough," I said hugging him back. We broke from the hug but Undertaker had his arm around my shoulders. We turned to everyone and saw lots of confused faces, which made me chuckle. I glanced over at Sebastian to see him glaring at Undertaker, which stoped me from laughing and raised an eyebrow.

"Wait how do you know Undertaker?" Ciel asked. "We've been friends for quite some time," I said with Undertaker humming and nodding his head. "Now, give it, give me the gift of laughter and I'll tell you anything," he said drooling. "Don't drool on me," I said pushing him off me.

Everyone went and said their joke but it didn't make him laugh. I don't even think Madam Red's counted as a joke. The only ones that were left were me and Sebastian. "Ok, I will go," I said with a smile already having a joke in mind. "Yes you give the best ones, though Sebastian is a close second," Undertaker said. "Mmm sorry, handsome, you're second to me," I teased challenging him and he squinted his eyes at me playfully. I cleared my throat and was about to speak but looked to Ciel forgetting he's a kid. "Sebastian covers his ears, he doesn't need to hear this particular joke." "What?!"Ciel said but Sebastian covered his ears. 

"Said the nun as the bishop withdrew,

"Dear, this must be our final adieu,

For the vicar is thicker

And slicker and quicker

And five inches longer than you.""

"BWHAHAHAHAHA!" Undertaker laughs, crying in joy. Even the others laughed. Madam Red was holding her stomach, Grell was covering his mouth, Lau still had the same posture but his shoulders were evidently going up and down and Sebastian was looking off to the side but his shoulders were going up and down as well.

Everyone had calmed down their laughs and Sebastian uncovered Ciel's ears but Undertaker was on the floor still laughing, crying, and drooling a little. "That was pure bliss," he said still giggling a little. He then told us the information we needed. I was half-listening because I didn't want to hear about a woman's uterus gone when I still had one. I looked around his shop looking at all the trinkets and gadgets he had. I then see Undertaker walk up to me.

"So dearie was that joke directed to me," Undertaker said. I looked at him raising an eyebrow then looking back at his trinkets. "No, we know good and well you arent five inches," I said with a smirk. "That indeed," he whispered in his normal voice. I taped his chest pushing him back a little and he chuckled lowly.

What I didn't know, across the room, Sebastian was watching and listening to us.

. . .

After leaving Undertaker we got into the carriage and discussed who could be our suspect. We narrowed down the suspect to who it could be by eliminating some things. Ciel then ordered Sebastian to go and compose the list of suspects. Sebastian leaps out of the carriage but before he left, he winked at me. I sighed with a smile and blushed a little closing the door.

We then headed back to the townhouse, and once we made it back Sebastian was waiting for us with a list of suspects that was super long. Me and Ciel weren't surprised but everyone else was especially Madam red but Grell looked like he was swooned. We got it down to one possible suspect which was Viscount Druitt, or Aleister Chambers.

We thought of a possible plan during dinner that Ciel would go undercover as a lady and have to wear a dress. I was so excited because I get to see Ciel in a dress. 'I'm never going to let this one up.'

After dinner and dessert, Sebastian went and put Ciel to bed while I escorted Madam Red and Lau to their chambers. I went back downstairs and cleaned up the dining room and started cleaning the dishes. I heard footsteps coming closer to me and turned to see Grell. "Oh hello, Grell is there something that you need?" I asked.

"I was thinking I could help, with the nightly chores that's what a butler do right," he said about to put up the dishes. "Oh no it's fine I got it there aren't that many dishes left anyway so go and retire for the night early," I said getting back to cleaning the dishes. In truth, I just need a break from hearing dishes breaking for a while.

"Oh [Name] you are too kind, simply an angel," he said hugging me from behind. "I'm no angel, I'm just one hell of a maid," I said with a smirk. "That you are," he said. He then quickly kissed me on the cheek which surprised me. "Well I guess I'm off to bed unless I can stay here, or you could come with me," he said still hugging me.

"Goodnight Grell," I said. "Fine," he pouted and let go of me, and walked away. Not long footsteps can be heard again coming to me, hugging me from behind. "Grell, I thought I said goodnight to you," I said. He didn't move a muscle which annoyed me. "Come on Grell I said good... night..." I said turning around but I wasn't speaking to Grell.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now