𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟱

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. . . ~ 🍋🍋🍋Lemon 🍋🍋🍋~ . . .

I woke up seeing that I was in my room in the manor. I rose slowly and wiped the slob from the side of my face. I examined the room through lazy eyes seeing Kuro and Yuki sleeping in their beds snuggled together. I smiled at the cuteness in front of me. I heard footsteps stopping at my door. The door opened slowly to reveal Sebastian.

"Ah, you're finally awake," he said walking to me with a smile. "Finally?" I questioned. "Yes finally, you slept for 18 hours," he informed me. "What?" I questioned. "Yeah, it's almost 3 in the morning." "Well, I guess limbo took more out of me than I expected." After I said that he had a concerned look on his face. "What happened in limbo?" Sebastian asked sitting on the edge of the bed next to me.

I took a deep breath before I told him what happened in limbo. That I barely slept and had to survive in limbo. That I was on the run from the spirits in limbo and were trying to kill me and take my soul to who knows where. That right when I was at the gate that one of the spirits got to me and almost killed me but I defeated it and now I'm back.

"Wow," he said holding my hands in his gloved hands, rubbing his thumb on the top of my hand. "Yeah, but I come back every time," I said, smiling. "Yeah," he said he then got up. "You must be hungry, I can make you something," he said and pecked my lips. I smiled saying, "I don't want anything heavy since it's late. What about soup, ooooh, [favorite soup] sounds good, if that's ok?" "Of course anything for you," he said.

He wasn't gone too long and came back with a nice hot bowl of [favorite soup], with tea and a slice of red velvet cake. I was honestly shocked but happy. He stayed and feed me, though I told him he didn't have to, but he insisted. I have never seen him act like this before. Not that I don't like it but it's just different. Then I started thinking of how he's been acting since our first kiss and how close we'd became and that same question popped into my head. 'What are we?'

"...[Name]... [Name]," Sebastian said calling out to me. I raised my eyebrows, getting out of the trance that I didn't realize I was in. "What were you thinking about?" "Huh?" "Well you were staring off into space, so you must have been thinking about something," he said. I bit the inside of my cheek as I was getting a little nervous at what I was about to say.

"I was thinking about us," I said and saw his eyebrows lift. I felt my cheeks flush a little and looked down at my hands and continued talking. "I know we're demons, you more than me, and we aren't supposed to have feelings but... I can't deny that I've grown feelings for you since I started working here," I confessed. I slowly looked up at Sebastian to see him smiling at me, with a certain glint in his eyes.

"You are right, for a demon like me I'm not supposed to be able to have human emotions. But when you came along I felt happy and joy and pleasure..." he said making me smile and blush more. "But when you died... I felt feelings I never felt before, like worry and sadness and ultimately useless. Seeing you die in my arms made me realize, how much I have fallen for you too." My eyebrows went up in shock. "So [Name] will you be my lover," he said. My heart was pounding so hard that that was the only thing I could hear in my ears as I looked at him. "Yes, yes I would handsome," I said with the biggest smile.

He then leaned his face into mine wanting a kiss. I was going to kiss him but at the last minute, I swiveled my head away. "Or maybe I should think about it," I teased. He firmly grabbed my chin turning my head back to him. He had a smirk with one eyebrow raised and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Nah I'm yours," I said, then leaned in and kissed him. I licked his lips, slipping my tongue into his mouth. Our tongues ran along one another's, into a feverish kiss. I put my hand on the back of Sebastian's head, racking my fingers in his hair, pushing his head closer, deepening the kiss and him mimicking my same actions. I softly moaned in the kiss feeling really aroused. Guess the weeks of no action are hitting me hard. We broke from the intense kiss, me panting, with a string of saliva connecting our tongues.

𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now