𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟴

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"Now a spoon full for each person and one more for the pot," he said, scooping two spoonfuls of tea leaves. "Finally add a half-pint of boiling water and let it steep until dark," he finished and poured me a cup of tea. "Mmm," I hummed in satisfaction as the warmth from the tea spread throughout my body. "Now you try, you can pick a different tea from our assortment if you want," he said. Looking at the different teas I picked [favorite fruit] tea blend.

Coming back to Sebastian there was a new pot and bowled water for me to make tea. I tried to open the canister but I was having difficulty. "Is everything alright," Sebastian asked, seeing me struggling. "Yeah everything's fine, this canister is just giving me a hard TIME!" I said but yelled towards the end because the canister finally opened. Upon opening the canister, the tea flew everywhere, on me and Sebastian.

He had a shocked expression like me and had tea in his hair and on his shoulders. A smile was plastered on my face as I stifled my laugh as much as possible but to no avail, I started laughing. "This is no laughing matter," he said with a blank stare dusting the tea off of him. "Oh come on you know that was funny," I said with a grin, staring.

He sighed and looked to the side with annoyance but a small smile. "Told you," I said and he looked back at me with a smile chuckling a little. "I guess," he said, stepping closer to me. "You got tea all over yourself too," he said, dusting the tea off my shoulders. "Even in your hair," he said.

He picked the tea out of my hair and I was just staring at him and his handsome face. "There, now they're out of your hair," he said and tucked some of my hair behind my ear. His hand cupped my cheek as his ruby-colored eyes looked into mine. We didn't say a word, having another moment and getting lost in each other eyes. His eyes lingered down to my lips and so did mine to his.

We leaned our heads closer to each other closing the gap like we did last night. Our lips were inches away from kissing until...

"Sebastian Ciel is ready for his violin lessons in his study," Mey-rin said entering the kitchen and interrupting us like last night. We quickly separated from each other, me having a little tint of blush on my cheeks. "What it's that time already," he said, checking the time in his pocket watch. "*Sigh* Well I must be off, could you please start preparing lunch, I already wrote up what will be for lunch right here," he said to me, handing me a paper.

"Certainly, I'll get right to it," I said. He then left the kitchen heading to Ciel as the other servants came into the kitchen to help. I told them their tasks and even gave one to Finny who was happy with joy. As I was preparing the ingredients I was deep in thought of what happened moments ago and last night.

'I almost kissed him... Twice! Am I catching feelings? Noo, we just met a day ago it's too quick but I'm feeling something towards this butler. I wonder if Sebastian does too. No, demons aren't supposed to have those types of feelings yet he was going for the kiss too, right?'

I shake my head trying to get him out of my head. "[Name], are you alright?" Mey-rin asked. "Um, yes sorry just in thought," I said. "Here let me help, at least, might help with the stress," Mey-rin said, helping with the preparations. "Thank you. I'm going to make a pot of tea, do you want some?" "No that's alright, but thank you," she said. I made a pot of tea to help calm my nerves and it helped... but only a little.

. . .

It's been a few months since I have been appointed as head maid and I have to be honest... It's been so much fun! I've gotten close to Mey-rin and we are like BFFs now. Finny is like a little brother that I never had and it's fun playing tricks on him, he believes almost everything I say, and I honestly think he enjoys my tricks. Brad is very sweet once I got to know him he is just so impatient especially when it comes to cooking, *sigh* we're working on that

Then there's Sebastian... We've gotten really close. Not like a friend level but I don't know what to call it. We would have these moments again and again only to be ripped away by Ciel or one of the servants again and again. But I still enjoy his company. He even helps me with some of my tricks on the servants, and says it's his way of 'getting his revenge on them.'

Anyway, I am serving tea to Ciel, Madam red, and Lau in one of the common rooms. They had just finished their meeting in the game room and were talking amongst themselves.

"Now I don't think I had the pleasure of meeting the new edition to the manor Ciel," Madam red said looking at me with sweet eyes. "My apologies, my name is [Name] and I am the head maid of the manor," I introduced myself, bowing to her. "Oh please don't apologize, we were in a meeting after all there was no time for introductions but it's a pleasure to meet." "Likewise," I said with a smile. 'She seems so sweet,' I thought. 

"Grell." "Um, yes, my lady." "Do learn something from [Name] or the Sebastian fellow too," she said in annoyance, as she sipped her tea. "Yes," was the only thing that came out of Grell's mouth as he slumped a little. "Just look at her. I mean this physique, so curvy, even have hips to bear children," she said as her hands went up and down my hips. I was honestly shocked that she did that out of the blue.

"*Cough* Madam Red," Ciel said, which made Madam Red from "examining" me. "Oh, my apologies, just a doctor's habit," she said apologetically while scratching the back of her head. "But do tell me do you want children," she asked all of a sudden. Her eyes seemed like she was staring into my soul, awaiting my answer. "No, not right now at least," I said. "Why?" "Well I have a whole life ahead of me and children are the last thing on my mind right now. They will be a nuisance." She stared at me looking a little disappointed in my answer. "I see," was all she said and continued the conversation she was having.

'That was certainly weird' I thought. As they were conversating I found it funny how Ciel is surrounded by so many colorful people and he is always so gloomy. I noticed that Ciel started walking out the room. "Young lord?" I softly questioned where he was going and walked out the room to see where Ciel went off to. I saw the other servants running around still trying to catch the mice they've been chasing all day. It was hilarious at first but now it's just sad and annoying.

I saw Ciel down the hall talking to Sebastian and walked up to them to see what they were talking about. "Today's dessert is a deep dish pie prepared with apples and raisins. Would you like to eat it with your guests?" Sebastian asked. "No, bring it to my study, I'm done here," he said and walked off to his study. "Certainly, my lord," Sebastian said while bowing.

Then the servants were running around me and Sebastian and started to annoy us. I quickly dashed, catching them in one scoop and squeezing them to death. I then put them in the net that Tanaka was carrying. "That's enough of that. Stop playing and get to work," Sebastian ordered. They all groaned in response and walked away.

"Now, about that dessert you said you were making," I said to Sebastian as we walked to the kitchen. "Don't worry I made you one too and replaced the raisins with cranberries, I know how much you hate raisins," he said. "Thank you," I said happily as we entered the kitchen. "Of course, you caught those pesky mice, so you deserve a treat," he said, petting me. I purred and nuzzled into his hand, enjoying it.

"Stop it!" I said, lightly pushing him away. Ever since he ruffled my head and I purred he always pets me in that area at every chance he gets. "I can't help it, you look so cute when I pet you," he said, petting me again. I purred again but shooed his hand away. "Ok why don't you be a good butler and get the pies before they burn, while I get the tea," I said, getting him to stop petting me. "Fine for you I will," he said and kissed me on the cheek, before going to the oven.

I blushed and rubbed the cheek he kissed, shocked he did that. 'OMG, he kissed my cheek. That definitely means something right?' I thought, getting a tea set, not knowing a smile was growing on my lips. Once Sebastian got the cart with the tea set and dessert he went to Ciel's study while I stayed to clean up the kitchen. While cleaning my thoughts were spiraling, thinking of the possibility of Sebastian liking me when I heard a gunshot and a window shattering. I ran out of the kitchen and in the direction of the noise to see Sebastian on the floor with Mey-rin on top of him.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now