𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟮

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After a few hours, everyone was dressed in something.

Bard was in a pink sailor's outfit and had a red wig on. Finny had a maid's outfit on with cat ears and a bell choker necklace, the irony is still there. Tanaka was wearing a brown wig and a purple and blue dress accommodated with a golden fan. And Grell was in a light blue dress.

"This dress is atrocious," Grell complained as Bard came trying to comfort him. "It's so white and girly and frilly! If I have to dress up why to can't it be a sexy shade of red, with a waistline that would flatter my figure?" he said getting on his knees. 'That's his problem.' "I can't live with a shame as deep as this! No! I'd rather die!"Grell said opening the window and about to jump.

Not s single person came to stop him. Grell hesitated and said, "Uh, you aren't going to try to stop me this time?" We all just groaned. I went to Elizabeth to see her and Mey-rin in front of a mirror. Mey-rin was helping Elizabeth with some final touches on her outfit.

"You should see the clothes I got in London. They're great," Elizabeth was saying to Mey-rin  as I walked up to them. "[Name] do you know what is keeping Ciel," Elizabeth asked looking at me. "No I don't but I will see what is keeping him," I said slightly bowing. "Yes please do so and bring him down." "Yes Lady Elizabeth," I said and went off to Ciel's study.

. . .

I knocked on the door of Ciel's study and heard a 'come in' from the young lord. I walked in to see Ciel dressed in a blue jacket that had a slight train to it with a pair of matching blue shorts. He had a white frilly shirt underneath and had a top hat in the same blue color as his suit jacket.

"Well don't you look handsome my lord," I said with a smile. "Thank you," he said with a little blush. 'Cute' I thought chuckling.

"And don't you look lovely [Name]," Sebastian said taking my gloved hand and gently kissing it. "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself," I said blushing a little. Sebastian was wearing the same butler-like attire but there were settle changes to his everyday one. He had a different tie and his tailcoat was open with a different undershirt.

"My lord, Lady Elizabeth is waiting downstairs and she is getting impatient by the second," I said. "Well I can't keep her waiting," Ciel said heading downstairs. "My lady," Sebastian said holding his arm to me. I walked up to him and linked my arm with his as we followed behind Ciel.

As we made our way downstairs we see Elizabeth trying to take off Mey-rin's glasses but Mey-rin was stopping her. "Just leave her alone," Ciel said standing at the top of the stairs with me and Sebastian behind him.

"Ciel! You look adorable!" Elizabeth cheered looking at Ciel. We came down the staircase and Elizabeth ran to Ciel and spun him around while holding hands. "They're so cute," I chuckled into Sebastian's shoulders. "Indeed," he agreed.

"Ciel, why aren't you wearing the ring I brought you?" Elizabeth said angrily while holding his hand with his blue ring. "The ring I already have on will work," Ciel said. She started yelling angered and sad that he didn't wear the ring. Then out of nowhere Elizabeth stole his ring right off his finger.

"Lizzie. Give it back!" Ciel said sternly, kind of surprising me. Elizabeth was sad and angry that he has angry at her and threw the ring at the ground breaking it. Ciel was furious at her and almost hit her but Sebastian was quick enough to stop him. "Master you forgot the walking stick we went through so much trouble to get," Sebastian said trying to get Ceils mind off the ring.

I then walked up to the crying Elizabeth. "Forgive my lord, Lady Elizabeth, but that ring was an important heirloom passed down to the head of the Phantomhive family and has grown attached to it. Please understand why this upsets him," I said apologizing for Ciel. "I- it was that important and I destroyed it."

Ciel picked up the ring and threw it out the window. Elizabeth and the servants were left shocked at his action. "It doesn't matter, it was nothing but a ring. "Even without it, I'm still the head of the Phantomhives and that won't change," Ciel said determinedly. Me and Sebastian looked at each other and a smile grew on our faces.

Sebastian then took my hand and led me up the stairs. Out of nowhere he pulled out a violin and started playing it. I started singing with his music and all the servants were gasping at our talents. Ciel and Elizabeth then started dancing. Grell started harmonizing with me which I was surprised he was doing correctly.

In the end, we had a lovely ball and dinner and Elizabeth was so tired that she fell asleep in the carriage. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she gets home safely. You can count on me," Grell said. "Are you sure," Bardy said which is what I was thinking but Grell reassured us.

"Thank you so much Sebastian and [Name]. You two taught me a lot about what it means to be a servant," He said hugging us. We looked at each other and I said "Sure." "They say that before a person dies his life flashed before him, and I know that when I see the light of death, this momentous evening is what will appear to me in my dying vision," he exclaimed.

"Interesting word choice," Sebastian mumbled so only I could hear. "Indeed," I mumbled back. And with that Grell and Elizabeth were off to their respective places. Sebastian went to put Ceil to bed. He wanted to go to bed early after the long day he had. I ordered the rest of the servants to go clean up the rooms that Elizabeth was able to decorate and once they were done they could go to bed.

I went to the ballroom and it was a hot mess in there. I got started but there were so many decorations every. 'How the hell did this girl have all these decorations' I thought. "Need some help," I heard Sebastian's voice behind me. I turned around to see him at the entrance of the room. "Yes, could you get the decoration up on the polls and any other decoration up high," I asked. "Of course anything for you," he said making me blush a little. We then cleaned up the decorations in comfortable silence.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now