𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟭

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After Sebastian found the truth about the demon hound, that it was just a dog covered in glowing phosphorescent dust and that it was a mere illusion, a toy that Henery made up to keep his power in the village, the villagers were angry at Henery and threw him in a cell like the dog he is. Ciel decided that in the morning we would leave since the case was closed.

Once we got back to the manor and had dinner I was pretty tired. So I went to my room and took a nice hot shower since Sebastian was putting Ciel to bed. I put my hair in braids and changed into some sleepers. I then went to sleep for what felt like minutes but was only 3 hours because Henery would not shut up.

I groaned waking up but feeling another arm around me and my face nuzzled in a chest, but with the familiar addicting scent of roses and death, I knew who it was. Sebastian. "When did you get in?" I asked. "Not too long ago," he said turning a page of the book he was reading. "Ohh," I groaned untangling myself from Sebastian. "Why did you wake up?" he asked. I pointed in the direction where Henery would be as he was begging for someone to release him. Now, for a normal human, you wouldn't be able to hear him but as a demon with heightened senses, we can hear him.

"Ohh, sounds like music to my ears," he smirked.  "Well he sounds annoying to mine, and I'm trying to sleep," I said getting up from the bed. "So what are you going to do?" he asked. "I'm going to punch him, or slap him, or something to knock him out," I said and he chuckled. "Well have fun," he smiled. "Hmm," I hummed and grabbed a candle holder.

I snapped my fingers and the candle instantly lit [color] before going to a normal orange color. I opened the door heading down to the dungeon where Henery went. On the way there, I ran into Mey-rin who was heading down to the dungeon too, to give him food. 'Maybe I can use that to shut him up,' I thought but also noticed that he went quiet as we were still walking toward him.

Once we got down to his cell, Mey-Rin screamed in horror. We found his cell empty with blood splatters in the back of the cell with a huge gaping hole to the outside. The others heard us and came rushing to check on what the screaming was about and see the scene in front of me and Mey-rin.

Mey-rin was literally shaking in terror at the scene but I was fine, honestly, Im just happy I can get some sleep. But smelling the area the scent of rain was strong, considering it was a storm, but there was a disgusting faint scent of a demon hound, a real demon hound. 

Sebastian, Ciel, and Angila came running down to us to see what the commotion was about. We showed them what happened but I whispered to Ciel and Sebastian that it was a real demon hound who did this. While the others were distracted trying to calm Mey-rin some more, Sebastian took my hand in his and pulled me away.

"You didn't get hurt did you?" he asked a little worried, still holding my hand. "No, I'm perfectly fine," I said. I understand his weariness. I'm as fragile as a mere human right now with no strength and no control over my powers. Plus I did die in his arms, I think that would affect anyone whether a human or a demon. But it's also nice and cute seeing that Sebastian is showing his feelings and emotions around me.

"It's cute seeing your emotions Sebby," I said. His smile instantly washed away at the sound of Sebby. "I don't like that nickname," he admitted. "Mmm, but I do and it's sticking," I said smirking and he rolled his eyes. "You will get used to it... Sebby~"

We decided in the morning we will do something about this and figure out where Henery's body is. Then we heard loud pounding noises from upstairs. We headed upstairs to see a man huffing and puffing like he ran a marathon at the front door. He told us the Demon Hound was here. We followed him outside to what he meant, but not without me grabbing an umbrella since it was still pouring outside.

Henry Barrymore was sitting on the ground, dead with one of his hands chewed off. The other town folks were gathered around Henery praying while chanting the same chant the old hag did earlier and apologizing to the Demon Hound. The Demon Hound that is, in fact, real.

. . .

"To think, all this happening after the case was closed. I'm sure you are a bit annoyed," Sebastian mused, making me snicker a little. "Are you quite finished," Ciel said, his annoyance out on display, not at the case but at Sebastian.

"Where is Angila?" I questioned. The poor thing fainted seeing her master dead and with a missing hand. "We left her resting up in her bed for now. She seems tired, yes she does," Mey-rin said worried, as Bard and Finny were just as worried. Then we got back to the business at hand. The Demon Hound.

"This village isolated itself completely from the rest of society out of fear of the Demon Hound's curse. I thought for certain the hound was an illusion created by Lord Barrymore so he could more firmly rule the village, but with him dead, I need to rethink things," Ciel said

"He was covered in bite wounds. Maybe the villagers are right. Maybe it really was the Demon Hound," Bard hypothosized. "Maybe he's upset at being blamed for lord Henry's misdeeds," Mey-rin added on. "Yes maybe for now there's one thing we know. It wasn't human," Sebastian stated. The hound, then," Bard finished.

That's pretty much where the conversation ended for the night. I stayed quiet because one it was close to 4 in the morning, and two I just want to go back to sleep.

I was walking down the halls to my room half asleep when I felt a pair of hands sweep me off my feet. I squeaked but turned into a laugh seeing that it was Sebastian. "What are you doing, I thought you were putting Ciel to bed," I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck. "I did, but I saw you half asleep and thought to help you get to the bed faster," he said walking to our room. I smiled, snuggling more into his arms. A low chuckle rumbled through Sebastian's chest as he walked into my room. 

He set me down on the soft sheets and pillows of the bed. Not too long I felt some weight on the bed, seeing Sebastian with no shirt on. A grin spread my lips as my fingers run lazily across his abs. An amusing grin was on his and his hand wrapped around the back of my neck, pulling me in for a kiss. He wrapped his other arm around my waist pulling me on top of his chest.

I giggled breaking from the kiss and nuzzled into the side of his neck, his intoxicating scent filling my nose. He petted the top of my head, and I couldn't help but pur, relaxing in his touch. "Goodnight, kitten," Sebastian whispered softly, but my eyes closed quickly drifting to sleep.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now