𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟬

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Once we made it to the Lord Druitt's house, there were already so many people in their fancy attire dancing, talking, drinking, and just having a grand time. Ciel, Sebastian, and I were walking together to find Lord Druitt. 

"Maybe we should split up to cover more ground, this place is pretty big," I suggested. "Good idea, [Name] go search around while Sebastian stays with me, I don't want people to recognize me in the get-up," Ciel ordered. "At least Elizabeth isn't here," I chuckled. "I would never want her seeing me like this," Ciel said and I walked away from them searching the Druitt. I didn't walk too far from Ciel and Sebastian so I was able to hear a familiar high pitch voice.

"Oh, that dress is so adorable!" Elizabeth shirked. 'Oh, you've got to be kidding me,' I thought as I quickly whipped my head in Elizabeth's direction. I looked to Sebastian and Ciel who were looking at me shocked as well. "Walk before she sees you," I mouthed and they started walking again but Elizabeth saw them.

"Ohh! You in the pink dress it's just beautiful!" she shrieked heading straight to Ciel. They walked away but she just kept heading for them. 'Great,' I thought. I changed my silver highlights to a [color] and put a green and black mask on my face that Sebastian gave me and himself in case we needed them. I grabbed a drink from one of the servants that were walking by and walked toward Elizabeth to be in her line of sight.

I saw her eyes sparkle at the sight of my dress and she quickly trotted to me. "Oh, miss I just have to say your dress looks gorgeous where did you get it," she said. "Why thank you but uh, my lover got it for me as a gift for tonight," I said glancing off to the side to see Ciel and Sebastian poking their heads from behind the cake table but Sebastian was looking at me with a smirk, probably heard me. I looked away from him blushing and taking a sip of the champagne.

'Wow, this taste really sweet and peachy, me like,' I thought downing it and asking a waiter for another. "Well isn't that sweet, where is your lover?" Elizabeth asked. I looked back at the table to and Ciel and Sebastian were gone. "Um I don't know I must have lost him, this place is big but I'm sure I will find him again," I said. "I'm sure you will, well I hope you have a wonderful night and again your dress is gorgeous," she said. "Thank you and so is yours," I said. "Thank you," she said and walked off complimenting other dresses. 'That girl really is sweet, crazy, but sweet,' I thought.

I walked a little bit looking out for the Viscount but couldn't find him. I stopped looking and got myself another drink, this being my fourth so I'm a little tipsy and my face was a little flushed. "And what is your name my lady," I looked to the side to see the Viscount Druitt. "Oh, um [fake name]," I said. Hey, we don't fully know if he's in cahoots with Jack the Ripper or not or is Jack the Ripper.

"[Fake name].." he started taking my free hand and kissing the top of it "... what a lovely name for a lovely lady." I internally barfed but had a smile on my face and thank goodness my face was flushed to look like I was blushing.

"Thank you but I am with someone," I said taking my hand out of his and finishing my drink. "Well I don't see him at the moment," he said stepping closer to me and wrapping an arm around my waist. 'The nerve of this guy.' "Haha, he is here I can assure you, and wouldn't be pleased like how I am," I said with a smile and gripped his wrist hard so he would let go. "Playing hard to get, I do not mind a challenge," he said.

My smile was gone and I was about to say a lot of foul words but I felt another arm around my waist and pulling my back to a chest. 'What the bloody hell is it with people just putting their arm around me,' I thought annoyed, and glared in the direction of the man but instantly stopped seeing that it was Sebastian.

"Hello darling," he said with a close-eyed smile. "Uh, hi-" I started saying but Sebastian put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me into an unexpected hot, and hard kiss slipping his tongue through my lips. When he pulled away from the kiss I looked at him surprised with my face as red as a tomato.

𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now