𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮

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As I was taking my peaceful cat nap I was suddenly awoken by a loud booming sound and the smell of burnt food. My curiosity got to me and I wanted to see what the noise was about, so I went to the door and snuck out to see what the commotion was about.

I tracked the smell of the burnt food, which led me to the kitchen. I sneaked in unnoticed and hid under the kitchen counter. I scanned the kitchen and it looked like a hot mess in here. The table in the center of the kitchen was scorched and all the food on top of it was burned to a crisp. There were broken dishes from a tea set in the corner of the room too.

"Now how exactly, did this happen," I heard a familiar voice say from the hallway. I peeked my head out to see the butler having his back facing towards me facing four other people, standing in the middle of the hallway three men and a woman.

The woman looked to be young, maybe around my age. She had on large round glasses that looked to be really thick and red-marron-like hair styled in high pigtails. She wore a maid uniform dress that was blue and a white apron over it with white fringes on the shoulder.

To the right of her was a boy who looked to be a teenager. He had large turquoise eyes and short blonde hair that had red clips in his hair. He had a plain white shirt with yellow plaid pants paired with black knee-high boots. There also appears to be a straw hat to be tied around his neck.

To the left of her was a man. He was tall and well built and had dirty blond hair that was in an afro for some reason, and turquoise eyes just like the boy. He was wearing a simple white chef's uniform and had goggles that were hanging around his neck.

Finally, there was a cute short old man that was standing off to the side, his back facing the wall. He had gray hair and a mustache. His eyes were squinted but he was wearing a monocle. He was wearing a butler's uniform as well, just like the handsome butler. The old man also seemed to be sipping on some tea as well.

"I thought things would go faster if I used extra-strength weed killer on the garden!" he exclaimed. "I was trying to reach the tea set we use for guests, but I tried and the cabinet fell," the maid cried out. "There was a lot of meat to be cooked for dinner, and it was going to take a long time, so, uh, I use me flamethrower," said the chef. 'That explains the afro,' I thought to myself. I looked back into the kitchen looking at all the burnt food, 'But that was a stupid idea,' I thought as I looked back into the hallway.

I could have sworn I saw the three shrink in size and the butler growing, probably from anger. I quietly snickered at the scene in front of me, it looked like three kids were getting silently scowled by their father.

"We're so sorry! We didn't mean to!" The boy and lady cried out while the man just scratched the back of his head shamefully. The two continued to cry while the butler went silent for some reason. I'm guessing he was thinking 'how the hell am I going to fix this,' but then he finally said something.

"Calm down, all of you. Perhaps you should try taking a page out of Tanaka's book and start behaving like-," he was saying but cut himself off gasping looking towards the old man. "Everyone, listen closely and do exactly as I say, understand? We must be quick about this. We might save this night yet." the butler ordered. The butler then went down the hall and everyone quickly followed behind.

I was going to head back to the butler's room but an idea popped into my mind and said to go and explore. So I went down the hall as the butler and was brought to the foyer of a mansion. It was so grand and had a large staircase in the middle leading up to the second floor. At the top of the stairs was a portrait of a man and woman, probably the residents of the manor, with their son.

'Now I have to see the rest of the manor' I thought as I walked up the stairs. I walked down random halls to see many rooms and thinking 'this manor is definitely bigger than my last contractor's manor.' As I was walking down yet another random hallway I smelled something delicious in the air. It was a soul and a delicious one.

I went deeper down the hall to see a door that wasn't closed all the way. I slipped in and the room look to be a study room. There sitting at the desk was a boy who looked really young. He had blue-black hair and a rich blue eye, the other being covered by an eyepatch. 'Wonder what the story is behind that' I thought.  He wore a dark green suit and a blue tie that showed that he was a noble.

I jumped up on his desk and looked at him, seeing what he was doing. He was doing some paperwork and looked to be focused because he didn't notice me. I kinda just stared at him wondering 'why would a little boy be doing paperwork, shouldn't his parents be doing that.' I meowed, trying to get his attention. When he looked up he had a shocked expression on his face. "Sebastian! There is a cat in here!" the boy shouted. Then I heard the door open and heard a familiar voice say "A cat young master."  I turned around to see that handsome butler again. I meowed happily to see him.

He picked me up and kissed me on the nose. I stared at him a little shocked and blushed a little. "Hurry up and get that fur ball out of her before I start sneezing," he demanded urgently of his butler whose name is Sebastian. "Yes my lord," he replied walking towards the door with me still in his hands. The butler was about to walk out the door when the boy told him to halt. "Come  back with... that thing in your hands," he said.

"Yes? What is it, my lord?" Sebastian said, walking back to the boy. "I've realized since that thing has been in my study I haven't sneezed... not once, and I'm not sneezing now," he said then looked towards me. "So I have my suspicion that that's not a real cat," he said, staring at me. I stared at the boy then I looked at the butler to see him staring at me. Then the most unthinkable thing happened... I transformed... into my human form.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now