𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟱

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. . . ~ 🍋🍋🍋Lemon 🍋🍋🍋~ . . .

"Ahh~ Sebastian~" I moaned as he was thrusting in me. I don't know how I lasted this long I lost count of how many times we came after the second or third round, but boy does this man have stamina. As much as I was tired and wanted to stop, I was greedy and wanted more, and shit that's exactly what I got.

He put my trembling legs on his shoulders and continued thrusting. "FUCK~!" I moaned, basically screamed, at how deep he was thrusting, hitting my cervix. The tears that were brimming in my eyes finally came down at the overwhelming pleasure. "Mmm, you're so cute, with your pretty tears," Sebastian said with a sadistic smile sending chills up my spine. He leaned down to my face, kissing and licking my tears away.

"S~Sebast~ian slow down~" I managed to moan out. He had a devilish smirk but did what I requested. When he slowed down he rolled his hips where he was constantly hitting my g-spot and his pelvis was rubbing against my clit. My legs trembled more and more tears were running down my face. "Doesn't it feel better?" Sebastian teased and kissed my calf.

He bit down hard on my calf drawing a little blood. With the mix of pain and pleasure, my whole body started trembling as I came. "Aww, is someone a masochist~" he said licking the little blood from the bite mark. A moan slipped out of Sebastian's lips as he tasted the small amount of my blood. "We'll definitely have some fun next time~" he said looking at me with his glowing fuchsia eyes.

Sebastian took my legs off his shoulders and leaned down to kiss me. He began thrusting again slowly as my sensitive walls were fluttering around his cock. "Sebastian ngnn~ toongn much~" I whined, clawing at the sides of his chest. "Just one more~" Sebastian said against my lips. He kept thrusting which was feeling really good. "Ok~" I said rolling my hips slightly, meeting his thrust.

His thrusts got faster and faster hitting that same spot from before. "Ngn Fuck~, Sebastian~!" I moaned hugging his neck, bringing him closer. He thrust faster and faster and faster till he was at an inhumane speed. Both of our moans filled the room. "AHHH!~" I moaned cumming hard. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and scratching at Sebastian's back, definitely drawing blood.

"Mmhmm~ Fuck [Name]~ I'm about to cum~" Sebastian moaned in my ear. His grip on my hips tightened, digging his nails into my skin, breaking the flesh. His moans got louder and as he kept the same pace, his thrust getting sloppy till he came. He rested on his elbows having his body weight on me. Both of us were breathing heavily and sweating, as we were coming down from our highs. He leaned down pressing his lips on mine in a slow lazy kiss. I whined when he slowly removed himself from me.

Sebastian then leaned up and gazed at my still trembling body. He raised his hands which had a little bit of my blood at the tips of his fingers. He looked like he was in a trance bringing his fingers to his mouth, licking them

He closed his eyes, humming in satisfaction at the taste of my blood. When he opened his eyes, his eyes were glowing looking straight at me. He chuckled a little and got up off the bed. I was in a daze and my eyelids felt so heavy. I closed my eyes for a moment but that's all it took and I fell asleep quickly. One thing I know is I felt his arms wrap around my waist.

. . .

I woke up the next morning to someone licking my face. I cracked one eye open to see Kuro where I thought I would see Sebastian. "Well, you weren't who I was expecting to wake up to," I mumbled. He whined at my comment which was cute, so I petted him and he licked all over my face. That woke me up so I set up on my bed slowly since my body was sore and looked around to see it was clean.

Looking around my room my long nightgown and underwear were gone and Sebastian's clothes were gone as well. I noticed that I was wearing Sebastian's dress shirt. I blushed a little but also pouted thinking 'He could have at least stayed till morning.' It kind of hurt I mean I know we're not together but still. I looked at my nightstand to see a tea set and a note.

I'm sorry that I up and left before you woke up, I had to leave early to wake up the young lord. I wanted you to sleep in after... last night, you are probably sore. I made you a bath and your favorite tea to help wake up. Will be back soon, my kitten,


'Oh...' I blushed reading the note and took the cup of the warm tea and took a sip feeling the sweet warmth going down my throat. I looked at the clock to see that it was almost 11. 'Never slept in this much.' I set the empty tea cup and got up. I got up slowly since my legs were still trembling and sore.

Slowly heading into the bathroom I see the bathtub filled with water and bubbles floating at the top, with the scent of [favorite scent] soap engulfing my nose. I then took off the dress shirt and put my hair in a messy bun. I walked past the mirror and did a double take looking at my neck. Hickeys and bite marks were adorning my neck and collarbone. 'My gosh Sebastian,' I thought looking at how many there were.

I went to and stepped into the bathtub. 'The water is still warm.' I heavily sighed and closed my eyes as the warm water enveloped my body getting rid of some of my soreness. After a few minutes of being in the tub, I heard footsteps coming into my room. I opened my eyes to see Sebastian at the doorway standing there with a smile.

"Good morning darling," he said walking to me. He pecked me on the lips with a soft kiss. "Good morning to you too handsome," I said testing the nickname. "Handsome..." he said with raised eyebrows. I blushed thinking that it was stupid to say but a smile grew on Sebastian's lips as he cupped my cheek. "I like it," he said and went for another kiss but this time a passionate one.

He licked my lips and slipped his tongue into my mouth. After a while of kissing we separated from the kiss coming up for air. He went to the sink and took his gloves, hanging them on the rim, and got a washcloth. He came back and helped clean my body. "You know you're lucky that I take birth control after the amounts of times you came in me," I said looking at him through squinted eyes. "I'm sorry you just felt good, too good," he complimented which I chuckled at not believing him. "I'm serious," he said looking into my eyes with those pretty wine-red eyes, that made me blush.

"Plus would it be so bad to have a little one running around here," he said. "*Gasp* Sebastian!" I shouted surprised but I knew he was joking... I hope. He then told me what has happen while I was asleep.

"Oh shit what about Ciel is he mad because I woke up late," I said forgetting that I was a maid now. "Don't worry I told the young master you weren't feeling too well this morning and that you should be feeling better by the afternoon," he said as I got out of the tub and Sebastian wrapped a towel around my body.

"Thank you for that. So what's on the agenda for us today?" I asked. "Well Ceil was sent another case from the Queen, Jack the Ripper," he informed. "Oh, the killer that's been killing all those prostitutes?" "Yes, we are going to catch the killer but we are going to Ciel's London townhouse to gather some information after lunch, which I need to get started soon." "Ok I will be out to help in a minute," I said now having my maid outfit on.

"You can stay and rest for a while if you need to, especially from our activities from last night," Sebastian whispered in my ear, with his arms wrapped around my waist. I blushed at the mention of last night and lightly hit him on his chest. "I am just a little sore the bath and tea helped. I just need to do my hair and I will be out there," I said getting out of his hold and sitting in front of my vanity.

He chuckled a little and kissed my cheek. "Ok, I will be waiting for you darling," he said before leaving. I thought about how differently Sebastian has been acting but also thought about my feelings for him. I did my hair and slicked it back into a ponytail did light makeup and headed to the kitchen, but a lingering question was in the back of my mind that wouldn't go away...

'What are we?'


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now