𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟭

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. . . ~ 🍋🍋🍋Slight Lemon 🍋🍋🍋~ . . .

We then made it to the room and peeked in to see a bunch of nobles that had masks on with the Viscount on a stage with Ciel in a cage an action. "Let's have some fun," I said as my claws came out but Sebastian put them down. "No we can't kill them just knock them out," Sebastian said. "But why, what's the fun in that," I pouted. "I know but they are nobles and important people with status and if they were killed then there would be a lot of trouble," he said sighing as well. "Fine," I said and retracted my claws.

We dimmed the candle lights and started knocking out every person in the room and I made sure to hit the Viscount really hard. Once we were done the candles lit up and me and Sebastian were standing in a field of bodies with Ciel still in the cage.

"Really sir? Are you good for nothing but getting yourself captured? How sad," Sebastian said making me laugh. "As long as the contract remains in place, you two will follow me everywhere whether I ask you two or not won't you?" "Yes, I will be with you everywhere until the end," Sebastian said freeing Ciel from the cage. "That is if I don't get bored," I said. Ciel glared at me and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"What I'm just being honest, you want to be honest right?" I teased walking up to him. "Yes, you two will never lie to me, no matter what. Understood?" "Yes, my young lord," Sebastian and I said.

"I suppose this solves the Jack the Ripper case, it was easier than I had expected," Ciel said looking at the now knocked-out Viscount. Me and Sebastian shared a look but didn't say anything because we still weren't sure if I was right.

"I imagine the Scotland Yard will be here before much longer. We should take our leave," Sebastian said. He then picked Ciel up which shocked him and made me laugh a bit then he picked me up as well, so me and Ciel were both sitting in one of Sebastian's arms. "Well then are my two misses ready?" he asked. He then leaped out the window gracefully like a ballerina.

He headed to the front of the mansion to where our carriage was. "You two go find Madam red and the others, I'm tired and will wait here," he said as Sebastian helped him in the carriage. "Yes my lord," me and Sebastian said and headed back into the mansion. We split up to cover more ground but I couldn't find Madam Red or Grell. Sebastian did find Lau but said he was with someone and said to leave without him.

We then headed back to tell Ciel our findings. "Hmm, that's weird for Madma Red Im sure she will make it back by herself, lets's head back, I'm getting tired." And with that, me and Sebastian went into the carriage and headed back to the townhouse. On the way, Ciel had fallen asleep so me and Sebastian could talk freely.

"Seeee Madam Red and Grell are missing they are for sure Jack the Ripper," I said slurring a little. "You could be right but we still don't know if it's the Viscount still," Sebastian said. "Welp then I guess we will have to go to bed and wait till the morning for the paper," I said. "Who said we had to go to bed," he whispered seductively.

I looked towards him to see him smirking at me. "Oh?" "Mmhm," he said and leaned closer to me softly kissing me. He licked my bottom lip, parting them to slip his tongue in for a passionate kiss. I tried my hardest not to but couldn't help but moan softly into the kiss. He broke from the kiss and kissed up and down my neck.

"Sebastian~, Ciel's asleep right in front of us," I whispered as he kept kissing me. "Then we'll have to keep it that way," he whispered, as he put his hand on my thigh inching it higher and higher.

Sebastian continued to kiss my neck as his hand was right at my clothed entrance. He brushed his thumb up and down my slit. He sucked on the sweet spot on my neck making me wetter. I leaned my head back, biting my lip as an airy sigh of pleasure escaped my lips. I rocked my hips against his thump wanting more, more pressure, more pleasure. As I rocked my hips faster he moved his thumb away from my slit making me whine quietly and looked at Sebastian with lustful eyes.

"Does my kitten want more," he whispered in my ear tugging at the earlobe with his teeth. "Yes," I whimpered. "Then remember, you have to stay quiet ok," he said taking his glove off with his teeth. I nodded as his hand went up my inner thigh again. He slipped his hand inside my panties going up and down my wet slit. He then motioned small slow circles on my clit, and I shuddered in pleasure. "Faster~," I begged him. "As you wish," he said circling my clit faster with more pressure. I started humping my hips into his fingers moaning at the pleaser they were bringing me. He then slowed down going back to soft slow circles.

"Why did you slow down," I softly whispered. "You were getting a little too loud," he said kissing my flushed cheeks. I looked across from the carriage to Ciel, who was still fast asleep but almost forgot he was there. 'Shit.' "I'll go faster but you have to remember to keep it down, ok?" he said kissing my cheek down to my jaw. "Ok~," I spoke softly and he went back to doing fast circles.

I bit my bottom lip so that no moans wouldn't slip out but Sebastian went faster and faster making it harder to keep back my moans. I covered my mouth as I rocked my hips faster getting close to coming. Sebastian grabbed my wrist, pulling my hand away from my mouth as a moan slipped out. He hastily replaced my hand with his lips, kissing me hard to muffle my moans.

I couldn't hold back any longer a came moaning into Sebastian's mouth. He didn't stop and kept circling my swollen clit making my legs tremble. He stopped as I was coming down from my high and broke from the steamy kiss a string of saliva connecting our tounges. He slipped his hand out my undies and from under my dress to see his fingers were coated with my slik. He took his fingers and slipped them into his mouth licking them clean.

"Delicious~" he said looking at me. I could feel myself getting aroused again as I clenched my thighs together. "Hmm does someone want my fingers in them now?" I nodded my head as we leaned in for a kiss. We then felt the carriage stop moving and the neigh of the horse telling us we have reached the house.

We broke from the kiss and Sebastian had a smirk on his lips. "We're finishing this later," he said and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Sebastian then put his glove back on and helped me out of the carriage. He then went back in the carriage and carried the still-sleeping Ciel.

"Wow he really was tired," I said as we entered the house. "Indeed, I will put him to bed, meet you in our room," he said and I nodded my head. He then walked off to put Ciel to bed as I walked toward our room. Once I got to our room I lit some of the candles in the room and took off my dress along with the tight-ass corset. I then had an idea pop into my head.

I headed to my luggage and pulled out this sexy black silk robe. I already had on a black lacy bra and panties so slipped on the robe and looked in the mirror. 'Dayum I look sexy,' I thought. I then sat on the bed waiting for Sebastian to come in. I laid down staring at the ceiling thinking about the past few months.

How I first made the contract with Ciel and have actually liked being that boy's maid, even though he's a brat. How I've made friends with Mey-Rin, Finney, and Bard. That if I hadn't made the contract with Ciel I wouldn't have met Ciel or the others.

How I would have never met Sebastian. How sweet and kind he is to me for him benign a demon. How he always makes some type of dessert for me. How I enjoy his company when it's just the two of us. Even when we are on cases like this one we still have an amusing time together taking people down together.

Then I thought back at the party when we danced together, laughed together, and good it feels to kiss him. A warm fuzzy feeling flowed throughout my whole body thinking about that man. My eyes went wide shocked at a realization I just had. "Damn," I whispered, closing my eyes as a small smile spread across my lips.

I am falling for him.

I didn't even realize it but when I closed my eyes I had fallen asleep.


𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗥 | 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚜Where stories live. Discover now